Silver Lining.

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"If you're ever gonna find a silver lining, it's gotta be a cloudy day."

"What would you say if I told you that I almost don't despise Christian," I tell Alex as he's watching a football game on our TV.

"No shit really?" Alex asks, sarcasm dripping from his tone, "Who'd've thunk given you've hung out with him what every three days? Since you found out it's a girl."

"Okay," I say, "We never talked about it really though."

"Y'all dating?"

"No," I say shaking my head, "I'm not really sure that'd be on the table after how he used to blow up on me, and he's heading back to California in a few days."

"Have you guys talked about that?" Alex asks confused, "Cause that's going to cause a bunch of problems when the kids here don't you think?"

"I kinda figured that it'd just be something that's dealt with in the moment. I've got physical custody so he's going to have to decide what he wants to do for his visitation," I tell Alex with a shrug, "he can do whatever he pleases. If it gets to the point where I think it's an issue with how little he's seeing her I'll say or do something but as of right now I feel like it's a non-issue."

"Alright," Alex says nodding, "You ever gonna bring him around or you just gonna keep going to his place?"

"I mean like I said he's heading back to California, in a few days so I'm guessing probably not until after he comes back. From what I've heard he'll be around for Brewer's on Deck in January and I think he was planning on sticking around after that seeing as I'm due in February. Then once my kid's born I'm sure he'll be around a lot but I'm also kinda looking at houses."

"No," Alex says almost pouting, "You can't leave me."

"Shut up, you're fine," I tell him, "I can promise you that when my kid is up in the middle of the night crying because she's hungry you're going to wish I'd move if I don't."

"As long as it's an open door policy then," Alex states laying down his ground rules for me moving. He puts his attention back on the TV as a touchdown was made, he's something else I swear. I'm very grateful for him being here through everything though it's rare to find friends like him. Let alone him and his sister. I don't have much familywise to offer my baby but at least I've got them.

"Hello?" I ask more than answer mumbling as I've just been woken up by my phone, I guess I got my nap in.

"Hey, did I wake you up?" Christian asks.

"Yeah, it's fine what's up?" I ask sitting up in my bed and feeling my baby kick once sharply, "Cool it, kid." I tell her chuckling slightly.

"What?" Christian asks confused.

Laughing I shake my head, "Nothing she just had a pretty good kick in there, no big deal, what's up?"

"Oh," Christian says chuckling once himself, "I was wondering if you'd wanna come to California with me for a little bit. My mom wants to meet you and I think it'd be a good chance for us to actually get to know each other."

"Christian I have a day job if you haven't forgotten," I comment, "I can't just up and leave whenever I feel like it."

"Aren't you the owner? Pretty sure you can do what you want you just chose not to."

Rolling my eyes I scoff, "Not exactly how it works when it's a relatively small business."

"C'mon it'll be fun, you can even work during the trip. What do you really have to do that you can't do anywhere?" I fucking hate when he makes a good point.

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