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"Mama's hooked on Mary Kay, Brother's hooked on Mary Jane,  and daddy's hooked on Mary two doors down."


"Alright," I say pulling up a chair in my mom's dining room, "We're talking because what happened the other night with Ashtyn isn't okay." 

My mom nods pulling out the chair at the end of the table and sitting next to me, "I know, and I'm sorry. I just hope that you know that this isn't a situation I really thought I'd have to worry about Christian." 

Sighing I look down at the table and run my hand through my hair, this is a fucking mess, "I don't even know what the hell I'm supposed to do or say right now, mom. Ashtyn left and she was pissed. She has every right to be too, what happened at dinner isn't okay." 

"You have to realize the apprehensions I have about this though Christian," my mom says resting her hand on my arm, "I feel terrible about how everything went and if I'd known about any of the stuff that had already happened between you two things would've been completely different and I'd have known that there wasn't as much to worry about as I'd thought. Why didn't you tell me about that stuff?"

Shrugging I shake my head as I look at her, "Because it's embarrassing, I was an absolute asshole and I treated her like shit and that's not the person I am let alone the person you raised me to be." 

"You're absolutely right about that," she comments back shaking her head. "Now both of us look like assholes though because you didn't just tell me. It was shitty and terrible how you acted to her if everything she'd said was true-" 

I cut her off right away, "It was all true."

"Okay," mom replies taking in a breath, "So it was shitty and terrible how you acted and you let me act the same. Christian, I love you no matter what and I know you're a good person but how am I supposed to feel when this random girl that I've never even heard of before is all the sudden in my house six months pregnant with your baby. My job as a mother is to protect you and look out for what's best for you. Ashtyn clearly already has that same instinct with how quick she was to stand up for herself and that baby. You're in an extraordinary position Christian and I don't want to see you getting taken advantage of. Given how quick she was to stand up for herself I'm guessing she's not trying to take advantage of you but you're in an extraordinary position and people know that." 

"I know mom," I tell her, "You could've at least waited to have that conversation until after Ash was gone though."

"And you're absolutely right," She replies nodding, "You could've talked to me about everything though. Not a week and a half ago now telling me that you're bringing a girl home and she's pregnant. That's a lot to just spring on someone don't you think?" I just nod. "Christian, I never expect you to be perfect, you're human. I just expect that you're honest with me and can own up to the things you do. I was completely wrong in how I chose to speak about Ashtyn especially while she was still here and I'd love to be able to talk with her and have that conversation. You're a grown man Christian you can make your own choices and handle your own mistakes. As I said, I love you regardless of what you do you're my son, I just need you to communicate with me so stuff like this doesn't happen and I know that you're handling things."

"Yeah," I reply, "I'm sorry I put you in that position. I know I should've told you, Ashtyn made that incredibly clear on the ride back to my house from here and you've driven that point even further now." Mom rubs her thumb on my arm still trying to comfort me, I chuckle a little making her furrow her eyebrows confused, "Hey, at least I'll never make this mistake again." 

My mom scoffs and just shakes her head, "You really shouldn't have made it this time." 

"Well, at least it seems like I've gotten one of the better case scenarios with it," I comment thinking of Ashtyn. She's beautiful, smart, sassy, and can very obviously take care of herself. She's putting our daughter before everything and that's all I could ever ask at this point and I don't even have to ask it. 

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