Warrior or Fighter, and Gift of God.

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"Baby, you are bringing out a different kind of me. There's no safety net that's underneath. I'm free fallin' all in you." 

"Coolest moment," Christian repeats my question pensively as we lay in my both of us wrapped up in the robes he'd picked up. He's got an arm around me as I lay on his chest our hands intertwined and thumbs aimlessly playing together, "Probably when I hit for that second cycle at Miller Park. The first one was awesome and felt incredible. Being able to do it in Milwaukee though, and have that fan reaction to it, was something that I still don't even know how to describe two years later."

I chuckle a little as I remember that game. "Alex and I were actually at that game," I tell him, "Well Alex, me and my ex went. Alex and Jordan were fighting about something pretty much the whole time so I blacked out by the end of the game because they were annoying."

Christian lets out a loud laugh, "I can only imagine you blacked out seeing how you were when you were tipsy."

"Okay," I say slightly offended, "That wasn't even tipsy that was maybe buzzed at best."

"It was a fun buzzed though," Christian comments.

"Yeah that got me fucking knocked up," I reply with a scoff. Christian laughs a little harder, "Don't get any ideas about that, I may have been easy when I thought we were just going to be a one-night thing but it's a little harder to get in my pants when we're in a relationship. Let alone with how pregnant I am."

Christian's laughter doesn't really stop as he answers back, "I wasn't trying to get back in them."

"Good," I tell him laughing along with him now. "I can't believe you thought she was going to be a boy." 

"I only grew up with brothers, I just assumed my kid would be too," He tells me with a small chuckle, "Finding out she's a girl though was easily one of the coolest moments of my life. That's probably the happiest moment of my life so far." 

"So far," I ask curious, "What do you think is going to top it?" 

Christian takes a breath and hugs me a little tighter, "When I actually get to meet her in a little less than three months now. When I get to know what she looks like and hold her for the first time." I feel my eyes welling up as he talks about meeting her, "See her little face and get to actually have her finally. Seeing her move in your belly is one thing but actually being able to feel her and see her is going to be something else." 

"Stop making me cry," I almost sob out as I laugh a little that little safety net we'd lost is getting strung up again while he speaks. "You ever think of any more names for her?" 

"I was just gonna ask you that," Christian answers with a small laugh, "I wanna know what you've got." 

"I asked first," I tell him laughing along. "I haven't thought a lot about it." 

"You haven't?" He asks.

Shaking my head a little I reply, "No, I've been a little busy running a company then being taken on a road trip and then my mom being my mom." 

Christian scoffs at my last comment, "I was hoping you'd thought of them cause I haven't thought about many either." Chuckling a little I smile thinking about how mundane this all seems in comparison to everything else that's been going on. "What about Bella?"

"As pretty as I've always thought Bella is for a name, it makes me think of Twilight and what I wanted to name my first dog," I tell him with a small giggle over his laugh. "Kacelyn?"

"Kacelyn," Christian repeats quietly, "That's really cute actually. Kacelyn Yelich." 

Kacelyn Yelich? "Who says she's getting your last name?" I ask teasing more than anything, "Kacelyn Kingston has a nice ring to it too."

Just For TonightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora