Chapter 50

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"You were awesome, Alex!" Conner and Murphy came from behind.

"That was quite a show," Kevin nodded.

"I guess this is who I am now," Alexa shrugged as she gave them a nervous smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Lia raised her brows at her.

"I don't know," She shrugged.

"Don't tell me you're feeling bad about that?" She blinked at her.

"Come on, Alex, he got what he deserved," Her friends reassured her.

"I know and what I am feeling bad about is that I don't feel bad for doing something like that at all," Alexa admitted.

"Oh my god, you don't need to feel bad at all, we're all very proud of you." Lia wrapped her arms around her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze.

"yeah, especially, Reagan, he was just sitting there and literally enjoying every bit of it, grinning from ear to ear," Tyler shook his head as he remembered Reagan's face throughout the fight.

"speaking of him, where is he by the way?" Conner ran her eyes around.

"He had some work to do," Kevin replied.


Alexa looked around for Reagan but he was nowhere to be found.

Just then, she heard his voice, "oh there he is," She smiled to herself and went in the direction of his voice, her smile instantly disappeared from her face as she watched him next to Carla, smiling and laughing with her.

Carla slowly leaned on his shoulder when suddenly she felt a sharp pain as her hair was grabbed from behind, "What the hell?" She screamed.

"Oops, sorry something was on your hair," Alexa shrugged as she gave her an innocent look.

"Excuse me?" Carla glared at her.

"Anyway, Reagan, can you come with me for a minute?" Alexa turned her head to her mate.

"He can't," Carla intervened.

Alexa completely ignored her and looked at Reagan, "Can we talk?"

"that's-" Carla was about to protest when Reagan raised his hand to silence her, "Excuse us for a moment," He told her.


"Great, come with me," Alexa wrapped her arms around his and dragged him along.

After coming to an empty place, she looked around again to confirm no one was there, she then pushed him against the wall and questioned him, "What do you think you were doing?"

"What?" He was taken by surprise.

"What the hell were you doing with her?"

"huh?" He tilted his head to the side.

"Oh, don't you dare play innocent," She glared at him, "I saw you giggling with her, what was so funny? Care to share? And how dare you let her touch you? Why was her head on your shoulder?"

His deep booming laughter reverberated through space.

"What's so funny?" She scowled at him.

After a full minute of a hearty laugh, he shook his head and looked at her, "Do you even realize what you're saying?" He asked her with a tender look on his face. She frowned at him, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're jealous," He raised his hand to her face and gently caressed her cheek.

"So what if I am?" She admitted without hesitation.

For a moment he stopped breathing, "Reagan?" She raised her brows at him.

"Okay.... let me have a moment, please," He turned around and tried to comprehend, Did I just hear what I heard?

"What are you doing?" She rolled her eyes as she turned him around.

"Can you please repeat?" He asked her.

"What?" She raised her brows.

"You didn't just admit you're jealous right?" He asked her.

"I don't get it, why is it so bad for me to get jealous?" She rolled her eyes. "Why're you behaving so weird?"

"You're the one who is behaving weird," he retorted.

"Excuse me?" her brows knitted together.

"No, actually you're right, you caught me off guard," He shook his head.

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Okay, I'm good now, so Alex," He grabbed her and cornered her against the wall, "you're jealous huh?" He raised his brows.

"Didn't I already say I am?" She shrugged.

"God!" He sighed deeply as he hung his head, "You're-" She was silenced as his lips came crashing onto hers, she was taken aback for a moment, he then looked at her, "You'll be the death of me," He whispered as he claimed her lips again. She wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her closer against him, deepening the kiss. His hand then slid under her shirt, she gasped at the cool sensation of his hand against her bare skin. A moan escaped her lips as he slid his tongue past her lips, exploring her insides.

She could feel his arousal against her stomach as his hands slowly cradled up, unhooking her bra in a swift moment making her gasp at the action.

He then broke the kiss and looked into her eyes clouded by desire, he then showered kisses on her cheeks traveling along her jawline tracing up to the nape of her neck, she tilted her head back giving him better access as his hands worked on her shirt's button, but suddenly they came to an abrupt halt, she slowly opened her eyes but he immediately turned her around, just then they heard a voice from behind, "Alpha," He heard his beta call him, "you're needed at the meeting hall," The beta relayed the information. Alexa immediately clutched her shirt together, her face grew hot with embarrassment.

"I'll be there," Reagan replied quickly and motioned him to go, his beta gave a quick bow and walked from there.

The atmosphere suddenly turned awkward, she wished for the earth to swallow her then and there, she bit her lips in embarrassment as she refused to turn around. Reagan patted her head, "Sorry," He whispered as he slowly walked away from there. Alexa slumped on the ground cupping her warm red cheeks, "What the hell was that?" She buried her face in her hand.

Reaching a distance, Reagan's legs gave away as he slumped on the ground, "Damn! That was close!" He whispered as he hid his blushing face.

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