Chapter 23

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"I wanted to wait until you were ready, but if you look at me like that," He said in a low voice, he rested his forehead on hers "I may attack you," His voice came as a whisper.

Her eyes darkened with desire, "Damn, you're not helping me," He cupped her cheeks and claimed her lips in a heated kiss, with his one hand on the back of her neck, he pulled her closer, she returned the kiss back with equal passion as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling her closer he changed the angle as he deepened the kiss, she tried to pull back for much-needed air but he only pulled her closer.

'I can't breathe' She thumped his chest, he finally broke the kiss and she gasped for the air, he rested his forehead against hers, "Sorry," He muttered as he traced her lips with the pad of his thumb wiping the moisture off her lips.

"Oh," She muttered as her eyes caught the view behind, she stepped out of his arms as the semi-dark cave suddenly lightened up, they noticed numerous fireflies glittered over the water. She was fascinated by the view, her lips curled up in a wide smile, "It's so beautiful," She muttered, as for him his eyes were still on her, "Yes, beautiful," Her smile made him smile.

She became conscious of him again as she slowly sneaked a peek at him, their eyes met, she quickly averted her gaze, "We can't stay here for long," He announced as he put on his shirt, "Let's go?" He held out his hand, she shyly took it, her heart pounded furiously.

But as they were about to leave, she felt her hair being pulled from behind, "Ouch," She stopped.

"What's wrong?" He looked at her with concern, "Something just pulled my hair," She complained but as she turned behind there was nothing.

He raised a brow at her, "Nothing," She shook her head.

After they were gone, giggles echoed throughout the cave.


The sun was below the horizon, but its rays were scattered to create the colors of twilight, "Careful" he told her as she followed his lead along the narrow path, something pulled her leg and she fell down flat on her face, "Oww" She lifted herself and sat on the ground as she rubbed her face, "Are you okay?" He squatted down to her level.

"I don't know, I stumbled on something," She said getting up dusting her clothes, looking back, the path was clear there was nothing that could have made her fall.

"There was something," She said in her defense, "It's fine," He nodded as he offered his hand, she blinked at him then reluctantly held his hand, as they moved further she stumbled again but this time she fell on him, his legs staggered but he managed to prevent the fall.

"There was definitely something," She yelled defensively.

"I didn't say anything." He sighed.

She was about to say something but he stopped her, "Shh," He heard something, "Damn! We're surrounded," He clicked his tongue.

"Backoff," He growled as he took his stance, in a blink, Reagan was 5 feet away, smashing his enemy's head on the ground.

Alexa gasped as another moment he was in front of her she blinked as he tore off the enemy's arm which was about to touch her. Her eyes widened in horror.

As he was busy handling the other two, Alexa felt something behind her, she jumped away barely managing to dodge the attack.

There were too many of them, she frowned, just when another pair of hands was about to grab her she grabbed the enemy by his neck and threw him on the ground, she had surprised even herself, she stared at her hands in disbelief.

*Whistle* She snapped her head in the direction of the sound, "The Queen can now see the movements, she even fights now, I'm impressed," The guy was in front of her in a second, "Oh it's you," She muttered as she recognized the man, she met him back when she decided to run and her stupidity lead her to be chased by the Vampires.

"Dude," He grabbed the enemy's hand before they could land on Alexa, "Can't you see we're talking?" He then casually threw him off.

"We meet again, your highness," He smiled at her.

"Let's leave the pleasantries for later, let me finish them off first," He then turned to face their enemy, "Don't you dare leave a single one of them, I don't want to be exposed just yet," He shouted at Reagan.

"I didn't plan to anyway, now shut the crap and do some work, Val," Regan snapped the heads of the lesser vampires and wiped the blood off his hand in the sleeve of his shirt.

Alexa gulped.

The two men stood in front of Alexa shielding her from the enemies.

Within a minute, all dropped dead on the ground.

Just then a Vampire lunged at her out of now where but her hands didn't reach her, she was protected by a shield, "What the?" Her eyes widened in horror.

Within a second, Regan had tackled the Vampire down and she lay on the ground motionless, "A higher one, I see," Reagan raised a brow at the corpse. He then approached his mate, "You're okay?" He asked her with concern, she nodded in response.

"Man, how did you do that? One of your super amazing powers?" Val asked her excitedly about the shielding power she had used just now.

"I don't know, I'm shocked too," She shrugged.

Just then Reagan narrowed his eyes at the green light among the grass, "Come out, will you?" He asked.

"It's the firefly," Alexa muttered.

The firefly then grew and suddenly turned into a kid, "It's a pixie," Reagan corrected her.

"I thought they were extinct." Val frowned.

Another green light turned into an old man holding a wooden staff in his right hand, "We just went in hiding to protect our existence," The man answered, "Sorry about earlier, she was just playing a prank on you, your highness," He apologized bowing to Alexa while the girl smiled mischievously.

"It was you who pulled my hair and also made me trip?" Alexa narrowed her eyes at the girl, the girl stuck her tongue out teasing her.

"Let me show you the way out," The old man offered, "okay then, I'm outta here, I hope next time, I'll see you more in action," Val smiled at Alexa, he then nodded at Reagan and with that, he disappeared.

They followed the old man as he led them along a path.

"The cave is your hiding place?" Reagan asked the old man, "yes when the king was captured and the battle became fierce, they burnt our villages, hunted everyone down, we went into hiding," The old man answered.

"When we saw the queen captured and dragged down all the way to the castle, we almost lost our hope," he shook his head.

"You mean the Luna of the Silver Selene?" Reagan's brow quirked up.

"Yes, she's been thrown in the dungeons of the castle," He nodded. That's why they couldn't find her anywhere, Reagan thought.

"But we were relieved to see the next queen back at the cave, she's our hope to a peaceful future." They glanced back at Alexa who was bickering with the pixie who was playing pranks on her.

The sun rose a little high in the sky as they finally reached the periphery of the forest, they thanked the old man for dropping them safely as they were about to go, the old man looked at Reagan and Alexa's hands entwined together, "There will be a rocky road ahead, but I hope you won't let go of that hand and be there for her like you've done up until today," saying this he took his leave along with the little girl, "There's a bumpy road ahead?" Alexa asked him, but Reagan knew there was a deeper meaning to his words, pondering over his words, he firmly held her hand as they walked back home.

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