Chapter 58

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He grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall and then he claimed her lips in a passionate kiss. Her head spun around, 'What the hell?' She tried to struggle, she pursed her lips tight as she continuously hit his chest. He licked and bit her lips trying to coax her into open her lips but she refused to give in. He then encircled his hands around her waist and pulled her closer, grinding his hips against her, she gasped as she could feel his bulge against her stomach, taking the opportunity he slipped his tongue inside, exploring her delicious mouth. Slowly she melted in his arms and started to kiss him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I've... only... wanted... you... my...," he muttered in between the kisses. He then changed the angle as he deepened the kiss. He broke the kiss and cupped her cheek, "We're not breaking up, ever." He said threateningly as he claimed her lips again.

She rolled her eyes and the next moment he shouted in pain, "What the hell!" He glared at her, "You bit me!" he yelled. She stuck her tongue out, she noticed his eyes darken with desire, "Let's just discipline your tongue," He tried to grab her but she switched their position as she slammed him against the wall, "You need to be disciplined first," She narrowed her eyes at him, "After avoiding me like that, after making me feel unwanted, you say you've only ever wanted me? Am I joke to you?"

"I never intended to hurt you, I'm sorry," He apologized.

"Now, spill out, everything," She demanded.

"I am in heat," He muttered in a low voice.

She raised a brow at him, "Everything about you intoxicates me, I want to get closer and closer especially after last time," He looked at her with a heated gaze.

She found her face getting hotter part of it because of his hot gaze part of it as she remembered being walked in by his beta, 'so embarrassing' she blushed bright red.

"That day, if he didn't interrupt us, I'd have gone all the way," He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Hmm?" She cocked her head in confusion.

He rolled his eyes and looked at her, "I wouldn't have stopped with just the kiss, and little touching," He rephrased it which made her face go beet red.

"Yes," He nodded. "Since that day, I'm not able to think straight around you, even the mere sight of you gets me aroused and that means that I'd have ended up making you cry and worst of all, ended up making you hate me again. Remember the time I lost my mind and forced a kiss on you? You hated me then," He heaved a defeated sigh as he hung his head, "I don't want to go through that again, even the slightest idea about it makes me feel like dying," he muttered, "And the next morning after our makeout, you ran away from me," Hurt was palpable in his voice.

"I was just embarrassed," She muttered shyly.

"That scared the hell out of me, I thought you'd go back to hating me so I thought it would be just better to keep a safe distance because with the state I'm in, if I get any closer to you, I can't guarantee that I won't make you cry. I was scared that I'll hurt you but I ended up hurting you either way... I'm sorry." He rested his forehead on her shoulder.

Her heart melted hearing him out, he had always loved her, always respected her, cherished her, protected her, he helped her overcome her doubts, insecurities, he was always by her side supporting her in everything, he even accepted her monster self, he loved her even when she hated herself, he believed in her when even she couldn't, he helped her come out of her shell, he helped her turn her weakness into her strength, he always wished the best for her, never did he do things that would question his love for her and yet all she ever did was got him in trouble, hated him, mistrusted him, doubted him, hurt him. Even now, she hurt him.

She slowly raised her hand and stroked his hair, "I'm..." She trailed off, no, she shook her head, she then took a deep breath, "I love you," She replied.

He suddenly pulled his head back and blinked at her, she smiled as she cupped his cheeks and placing a soft kiss on his lips, "I love you," She confessed.

"you surely know how to throw me off," he hid his blushing face by turning his back to her,

"Aren't you cute?" She giggled as she made him turn to him, she then cupped his cheeks leaning closer she planted a kiss on his lips, his lips moved in synch with her, he bit her lower lips making her moan, he then pulled her against him and kissed her deeply, after a minute he reluctantly pulled away, he looked into her eyes with desire but he knew better he had to stop himself before he did something he'd regret, "you should go back," he separated himself from her.

"No," She caught his arm and pulled him back, he narrowed his eyes at her, "I'm serious, Alex, I'm holding on a very thin thread, run away before it snaps, if I lose it now, I don't think I'll be able to stop myself," he whispered threateningly.

His deep voice sent sweet chills down her spine, and she knew better she too wanted him just as he wanted her, "It's fine," She whispered as she wrapped her arms around him, "I am all yours," She added.

The last bit of patience he had snapped as he picked her over his shoulder, she yelped at his sudden action, but before she could utter a word they were already outside his house, she blinked, Did they just fly or what?

After entering his room, he slowly dropped her on her feet, he held the door open and looked at her, "This is your last chance to walk out," He told her, "human marriages you can break it Alex, but after I mark you now, it can't be undone, so you still have a chance, I don't want to rush you," He added, "if you decide to stay you stay forever, you can't run away from me even if you want to, I won't let you, no breakups, no separation, you'll be stuck with me forever."

"I don't want to be away from you ever," She confessed as she closed in the distance, he pulled her close as he claimed her lips again, closing the door behind him.

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