Chapter 26

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"Did you find anything?" Adira asked the patrol group.

"There are more deaths," A guy came forward, he hung his head low as he reported it.

"We've been working with the humans, we've traced the victims but they were all homeless people, with no family or relatives, that's why no one reported them missing and few of them didn't even have their fingerprint registration that it took us so long to trace their identity, few don't even have fingers on their body, so they're still unidentified." Tyler submitted his report.

Reagan hadn't been paying attention to any of them, his mind had only the thoughts of his mate, who now hated him with all her might, he closed his eyes remembering her hurt in her eyes when she slapped him after he kissed her like a mad man, 'I just made it worse, now she hates me more' he sighed, 'Where did the sensible Reagan go? I should've known better than to let my anger rule over and ruin everything, all the years of patiently waiting for her to get close to her, win her over, and it was all in drains, she hated him, congrats,' He mocked himself.

'I need to apologize,' he thought, making up his mind when he opened his eyes, he found all their eyes on him, ''What?" He raised his brows. "Let's continue this later," He rose up from his seat and dashed out.

He reached the training ground, where she had been sparring with his sister, "Alex!" He called her out, she lost her focus and taking a blow from Lia she fell down, "Are you okay?" Lia asked her with concern.

Alexa shot up a glare at him, "Sorry," He muttered hanging his head.

She pulled herself up and began to walk away, "Hey!" He jogged after her.

"I'm sorry, Alex," He stood in front of her blocking her path.

She simply ignored him and walked ahead, "I said I'm sorry," He grabbed her arm.

"Are you going to force yourself on me again?" She glared at him.

"No, of course not," He immediately let go of her. "I was in the wrong, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He apologized. "I just lost it, you were giving me cold shoulders and smiling warmly at everyone else, I just lost it-" He was cut off by her, "That doesn't give you the right, you don't own me." She hissed, "And I really don't want to see your face, so please just leave me alone," She sighed and walked away from him.

"Damn!" He landed a punch on the tree at his side, the tree fell down almost crushing Lia, Kevin pulled her away just in time, "Hey!" He shouted at Reagan, "Sorry about that," he muttered as he walked from there.

The rest of the day, she bluntly ignored him, he tried to talk to her but she wasn't ready to listen, he sighed falling back on his bed. There was a knock on his door, He sat up and called the person inside, "There's another casualty," His beta came to report him, "it's one of our patrol wolves," He said in a low voice.

Reagan swiftly got up and walked out along with his beta, "Where?" He asked.

"Another witch house was discovered," He replied.

Reagan muttered a curse under his breath, this was getting annoying.

He inspected the place and asked, "Found anything?"

"Nothing at all." One of the wolves shook his head.

"But there's a difference between this murder and the previous ones," Another one replied.

Reagan's eyes narrowed at the pale body in front of him, "His blood was sucked out from the body," he closed his eyes as he rubbed his temples. "So, it's the work of a Vampire?" He shot his eyes open and stared at his men.

"There are no bite marks." They shook their head.

They returned back at night, after searching the entire place, they still couldn't find anything, not a single trace or any clue on the culprit, "This is damn frustrating!" Reagan ran his hands over his hair in frustration.

He dismissed the group and went to the meet Adira, "Not a single clue," He clicked his tongue as he told her, Can't you look for the culprit through that crustal of yours?" He raised his brows at her.

"You know it only shows what it wants, only the queen can have access to it and our queen is not ready yet," She shrugged.

"Ah, about that," he scratched his head, "her powers are awakening," he sighed.

"That's a good sign, we can make our move then," Adira smiled but soon it was replaced with a frown on her face, "What's the matter?" She asked.

"I'm just worried," He sighed again.

"About how others will react?" She raised a brow.

"I don't give a damn how others will react if they have a problem I'll make sure to crush them before they even think to create trouble, I'm just worried about her, how'll she react, she's scared of herself," He closed his eyes remembering the day he comforted her, her hands were trembling, she was so vulnerable. "Wait a minute, you knew about her identity?" He shot his eyes open.

"The crystal gave me some hints and I have my eyes on her and you," She gave him a knowing smile. He narrowed his eyes at her, "God! I'm cringed!" He yelled as he realized the meaning behind her words.

She just raised her brows with a mischievous smile on her face. "Anyway..." he was about to say something but he trailed off, he shifted to the window and narrowed his eyes, "That's--" He then immediately dashed out of the room.

Alexa's vision blurred, her legs were staggering, she was sweating profusely, she leaned on the wall for support, her hands left the red stains on the wall. She shook her head and stared at her blood-stained hands, her pupils dilated, she slowly brought her hands to her lips, the smell was intoxicating, she was about to lick it when she staggered again making her aware of her surroundings, "No!" She stared at her hands and cried out.

"Alex!" she heard him from behind, "What are you doing here?" He asked as he came closer.

She slowly turned to face him, tears dropped down from her eyes, "This... I..." Her lower lips quivered. She then slipped into darkness, "Alex!" He shouted as she fell unconscious in his arms.

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