Chapter 63

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Alexa along with Adira made arrangements for the new people who were going to stay with them, Alexa fiddled with her fingers debating to herself whether or not to ask Adira, 'Argh! whatever, I'll just ask her,' she nodded to herself, just when she raised her head to look at her she found her already staring at her. 

"Ask away," Adira told her. 

"You can also read minds?" Alexa blinked at her, Adira laughed at her question and shook her head, "It's written all over your face my dear." 

"oh," Alexa let out a nervous laugh, "the thing is..." She then told her all the things that had been bothering her, taking a deep breath she asked her main question, "was she... betrayed by her mate?" 

"Why, do you think Reagan might betray you too?" Adira raised a brow at her. 

"No, no, of course not," she immediately denied, "in fact, I think I might get him in trouble," She heaved a deep sigh as she remembered her dream of a few days ago where that woman took over her body and strikes at him. 

"You have a dangerous look on your face, make sure others don't see you like this, they might want to run for their lives," Adira commented. Alexa immediately relaxed her face. 

"Anyway, I think it's time to hand this thing over to you, it belongs to you anyway," Adira smiled at her as she took the crystal ball in her hands. 

"What's that?" Alexa cocked her head to the side. 

"It's something that'll help you answer your question," Adira only dropped a hint and went away. 

"Should I ask Conner? She must have some idea about it since she's such a supernatural lover?" She thought, with the crystal thing in her hand she made her way to Conner's. 

On her way, she was greeted by Reagan's beta, "oh you guys are already here?" She greeted him back, "we've prepared the place for them, you can take them there," She showed him the way. 

"EEE! It's the magic crystal ball," Conner shouted in excitement, "maybe," She added a little later. 

"I came to the right place, you obviously know of these things," Alexa nodded. 

"What do we have to say though? Abracadabra!" Conner shouted the spell, nothing happened, "maybe shalaboo?" She cocked her head to the side. 

"Is that even a word?" Alexa laughed. 

"Oh come on, why don't you try it?" Conner asked her. 

"Abracadabra?" Alexa tried but again nothing happened, "maybe it's just useless," Alexa heaved a sigh. 


Returning to his *ahem* their room, she sat on the chair and tried again, but of course, nothing happened, she heaved a defeated sigh, "I give up!" She turned her face away as she pouted sulkily. She then moved to the window and looked down, Tyler and Kevin were back too, "why isn't he back yet?" She sulked. 

She then went back to the table and looked at the crystal, "Hey, can you please show me how's Reagan doing?" She clasped her hands together and prayed with her eyes closed, opening her eyes she looked hopefully but again nothing happened. "You're useless after all," She flicked her finger on it and got up to go outside, suddenly there was a noise, when she turned around she saw the crystal glow up, "Whoa!" she gaped as she rushed to its side.  

But the scene that unfolded in front of her eyes made her lose her mind, she rushed out and went to the dungeons where Carla had been locked up, "You.." Carla muttered, "how dare you! Reagan's mine!" She shouted as on as her eyes fell on the mark on her neck. 

Alexa quicked in and grabbed her throat throttling her she yelled, "Where the hell is he? What did you do to him?" 

"What... the.. hell... are... you... talking... about.." Carla struggled with her breath as Alexa tightened her grip around her. 

"I know you're in there," Alexa's eyes glowed red as she yelled out for the woman. 

"I told you, the more you resist, others around you will be harmed," the woman made her appearance. 

"YOU!" Alexa yanked her hitting her head against the prison bars. 

"There's still time, Alex, if you hand over your body, I'll help you save him," The woman offered her. 

Alexa lowered her eyes, "You just have to surrender, that's it, consider it," the woman tried to manipulate her into her words but Alexa laughed out, "oh really?" She raised her brows. 

"you know what? Keep your offer to yourself, I'm capable of protecting those around me." Alexa walked through the bars of the prison, her eyes widened in surprise, "even I surprise myself," Alexa smirked at her. 

"But you won't be able to save him," the woman scoffed at her.

"He doesn't need me saving him, he's more than capable if you could get rid of him, I know he can't be killed by your minions nor by you, that's why you're seeking for my powers. As long as I don't hand over my body, he'll live cause you'll need my body to kill him." Alexa smirked. 

"That may be right but even if he can't be killed, he can be captured." The woman replied. 

"You think any of you are capable enough to capture my man? I can't help you with your delusion, just carry on," Alexa clapped her hands.

"Oh you bet I will and I'll torture him slow and steady, so much that he'll beg for death but of course he won't die cause you refuse to hand yourself over. How much I pity him," she clicked her tongue. 

Alexa then yanked her hair and peered into her eyes with a dangerous aura emitting out of her, I've had enough of this filthy brain of yours, she squeezed her skull, and suddenly the electric waves passed over her brain making her convulse with pain. 

When she stopped, the woman was gone, Carla lazily opened her eyes, and as soon as her eyes met hers, she screamed out, "Reagan's mine, you b*tch!" She tried to tear her markdown but her hands only clutched air as Alexa clutched her arm and drove her nails inside, "and of course your heart that thinks of my man," she pressed her fingers against her left side of the chest, she slowly drove her nails inside and clutched onto her beating heart, "Argh!" Carla shouted in pain, "Should I just take it out?" Alexa whispered darkly. 

Carla began to gasp for air as her lungs were too pierced by her nails, "You... you..." She wheezed, "You're a monster!" 

"Why, thank you for the compliment," Alexa released her grip and pulled her hand back as she licked her blood-stained fingers, "then, happy dying," Alexa laughed as she walked out of the cell, calling in the guards, "Burn her alive," She commanded them. 

The guards were shunned by her words, "You want to take her place?" She asked them narrowing her eyes, they quickly went ahead and made the preparations. 

Everyone gathered around when they noticed the smoke rising from the dungeons, "It's a fire! Fire!" they shouted. The two betas and her friends gathered there, "Bring out the water!" Reagan's beta shouted his orders, "relax and chill, there's no one who shouldn't be there, it'll go out on its own," she told them with a twisted smile on her face. 

"Alex..." Conner whispered, Alexa then smiled at her, Conner grabbed Tyler's arm, it was the same... the same feeling she had back at the forest... Conner gulped. 

Reagan's female beta shouted with a bucket of water in her hand, "What are you guys standing idle for? Go get to work!" She shouted. 

Alexa closed her eyes as she rejoiced every scream of her so-called rival until they disappeared in the smoke, "She's dead anyway, "Alexa turned around, "She's right, get yourself moving, we've got works to do, we go save our Alpha king," She then opened her eyes which glowed red. 

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