Chapter 34

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 When she was about to go an agonizing scream pierced her ears, her head snapped in the direction of the voice, "Conner?" She muttered her name as her eyes widened in horror. "Conner!" She screamed her friend's name as she ran in the direction of her voice. 

She frantically searched for her friend but didn't find her anywhere, "Conner!" She shouted running from trees to trees. "Conner!" She shouted. When she couldn't find her anywhere she stopped for a moment and closed her eyes, her eyes snapped open and she glared in one direction. She dashed back to the place they had run away from. There she noticed a man carrying an unconscious Conner over his shoulder. She followed them inside the house, the man laid her down and stared at her with lustful eyes, just as he was about to touch her, Alexa shouted, "Don't you dare!" She ran to her friend's side and stood in front of him, shielding her from him. 

"You are?" The man raised a brow at her. 

"Ah, here comes my queen," The self-proclaimed Alpha King spoke from behind. Alexa wasn't least bothered to correct him, she was busy glaring at the man in front of her, this guy smelled bad news. 

"So you're the one," The man in front of her scoffed checking her out from head to toe. "She's okay," He made a face, "but she brought me a souvenir," he shifted his gaze at Conner lying unconscious on the bed. Alexa clenched her fist in anger, "Move," He shifted his gaze back at her. 

"Excuse me?" She glared at him. 

"thank you for bringing her to me, now move," He repeated shoving her aside. When he was about to touch Conner, Alexa grabbed his hand and pushed him away, "Keep your filthy hands to yourself," She glared at him. 

His face darkened as he glared at her, he stood over her trying to intimidate her but she glared back at him without a flinch, he let out an angry growl, his hands came at her neck at a lightening speed which made her gasp. 

"Enough!" Shouted the man from behind, "You don't lay a hand on her," The alpha number two ordered him to let her go. The man rolled his eyes but complied and removed his hand from her neck and stepped back. 

"My queen," The fake Alpha King approached her, "You're coming with me," He held her wrist and pulled her along. "I'm not going anywhere," She snatched her hand back, which made him furious, he glared at her as he grabbed her jaw, "You're coming with me, my queen," He repeated in a threatening tone, "let me go," Alexa tried to push him away but his grip only tightened. "I don't like to hear no for an answer," He gritted his teeth as he warned her, "You're coming with me and that's that." He grabbed her by her hair and dragged her along. 

"Oww!" She winced in pain, reaching the door he paused, "Don't create any trouble before the ceremony," He glared at the man over his shoulder, "After the ceremony, you can do whatever you want with the girl," he added before dragging Alex with him. 

"Let me go!" Alexa shouted as he dragged her inside a hut house, "Ow!" She winced in pain when he threw her on the floor, "What the hell?" She glared at him. He scoffed as he squatted in front of her, he raised his hand to her face and caressed her face which made her cringe with disgust, "You shouldn't have checked my patience, my queen," he spoke in an ice-cold voice. "You shouldn't have tried to run away," he added. "Now, stay here like an obedient queen, until the ceremony I won't tolerate any nonsense." 

"To hell with your ceremony!" She yelled glaring at him. 

"Tsk, tsk," He clicked his tongue, "I see your eyes doesn't know fear, you weren't taught how to talk to your Alpha?" He cocked his head to the side, "No worries, tonight's our mating ceremony, after all,  I'll teach you in full detail." He laughed. 

"I already have a mate," She swatted his hand away, "and that's not you, walking around declaring yourself as the Alpha King doesn't make you a real one," She retorted. 

"Ah, I really hate that tongue of yours, no problem, I'll tame that too," he grabbed her jaw making her flinch, "And your mate, hmm? I don't see any mark on you, he hasn't claimed you as his, too bad, that unworthy bastard doesn't deserve you anyway and after tonight his baseless claims won't matter either cause I'll bed you tonight, in front of everyone." He laughed hysterically. "Until then, rest well my queen," He winked at her and walked out. 


"I'll kill them with my own hands, I'll tear them limb by limb if they dare to lay their hands on her... this time he won't just get away," Tyler punched hard on the tree making it fall on the ground. 

"Calm down, we'll find them," Lia kept her hand on his shoulder, he shrugged her hand off and walked to Reagan. 

"Haven't you found their location yet?" He yelled at him. 

Reagan ignored his shouting and closed his eyes concentrating on his surroundings, "Reagan!" he shouted again. "I'd find them if you shut your yapping," Reagan shouted back. "Yapping? Well, excuse me if I'm worried about my mate but I see you're not worried about yours! I swear Reagan... How can you be bloody calm about it?" Tyler yelled at him. 

"Do I seem calm to you?" Reagan's eyes snapped open and he glared at Tyler, the whole crew became silent, their hair stands on end as they could feel the threateningly mad aura radiating from their Alpha, they all gulped. "Now calm your horses, do your work and let me do mine," He warned him. 

"Calm? Reagan, how can I stay calm when he... he's found her..." Tyler's voice choked, "I swear Reagan if I lose her again, I'll destroy everything." He declared as a glint appeared in his eyes. 

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