Chapter 29

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The next morning, Alexa sat up and ran her hands through her hair in frustration, she couldn't sleep a wink last night as lots of things were going on in her mind, she turned her head to the side and noticed Conner sleeping soundly next to her,  she smiled at her friend as she pulled on the covers for her and quietly left the room, she went to the training ground and grabbed a seat at the corner. A lot had happened since her birthday, getting attacked, finding about her friends' identities, been brought to a secluded and unknown place, finding out about her parents, chased around by vampires and last night she stared at her hands which were covered in bood the previous night. She started to tremble with fear, her heart shivered as she remembered the talk about the mystery murder from others, talk about the witch and the accusing glare of Carla. 

"No," She shook her head, "No, no, just calm down," She took a deep breath and tried to avoid the negative thoughts but in vain, the more she tried not to think of last night more she was thinking about it. 

"Okay, let's think of good things," She took a deep breath and tried again, "good things," She muttered as she gently closed her eyes. The moment she closed her eyes a pair of gentle golden eyes flashed in front of her. A soft smile played on her lips as she remembered his sweet smile, the caring and encouraging words, gentle hands that patted her head, strong arms that held her close making her forget everything and made her feel safe. 

*Ahem* Ahem* Someone spoke close to her ear, the voice startled her, her eyes flung open and she turned her head to the direction of the voice, she noticed the green glow flying towards her, she narrowed her eyes at the green figure as she turned into her human form. "you scared me!" Alexa complained. 

"I called but you didn't hear me, so I had no choice but to do this," The young girl leaned in close and shouted in her ear. "But what were you thinking about with a creepy smile on your face?" The girl asked her. 

Alexa felt her cheeks heating up in an instant, "Nothing!" She shook her head vigorously. "Wait what? Creepy?" She narrowed her eyes at the little pixie.

"Yes, you were here lost in your own world with a wide smile on your face, that was obviously creepy," The girl admitted nodding her head. 

Alexa gave her a look, "but what were you thinking anyway?" The girl asked again.

"Nothing," She turned her head away. 

"Eh, that's not nothing," The girl instantly turned into a ball of green and came in front of her eyes, "Your highness, you face is red, your heart rate is fast, and that creepy smile definitely isn't nothing," the girl teased her. "Lemme guess,  you were thinking about your Alpha king?"

Her eyes widened at her words, "n-no!" She was flustered as she hit the bullseye, she immediately averted her gaze, "and he's not my alpha king, okay?" 

"But you like each other don't you? The kiss that you shared in the cave," The pixie flew in front of her and gave her a teasing look,  "aww, are-" 

Alexa narrowed her eyes at her and flicked her away, "Whoa!" She lost her balance and landed on the floor with a thud in her human form, "That was harsh!" She complained. 

Alexa stuck her tongue out, "that's what you get for prying," She shrugged. 

The girl got up from the ground and dusted her dress, she then walked to Alexa and sat next to her, "what?" Alexa narrowed her eyes at her. "Why are you denying it?" The girl asked her. 

"I'm not denying anything," she shrugged. 

"Aren't you his mate?" The girl asked with a coy smile.

"That's..." Alexa trailed off as she hung her head.  

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