Chapter 4

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"ZAIN?!" I kept shouting his name while running around in the amusement park. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, I had to find him. I ran back to the parking and looked at Usman who also came running towards me.

"D-Did you find him?" "No, he is nowhere. Let's go to my police station" I shook my head and took steps back. "N-No, he must be here somewhere" I went back inside and took my phone.

"E-Excuse me, have you seen this boy?" I asked the couple while showing them a picture of Zain. They shook their head and walked away. I kept asking people while crying my eyes out.

"S-Sorry, but have you seen this boy?" The old lady looked at the picture and started nodding. I felt joy inside me, "W-Where?" "I saw him getting into a car with a man"

No, no, this can't happen. "D-Did you see the plate nr?" "No, but the car was black and looked expensive," She said. I thanked her and ran out to the parking. "Usman, Z-Zain," I said while crying.

"What happened? Why are you shaking so much?" "A-An old lady saw him getting into a car with a man, w-we need to find him, Usman," I said while holding onto his collar.

"We'll find him, come on let's go to the police station my team is looking for him" "N-No, w-what if that man tries to hurt him when he finds out about that we took police help"

"Jannat listen to me, nothing like that will happen" I shook my head and looked at my dad. "T-Take them home, I'll look for Zain" "What do you mean you will look for him? You don't know where they went or the plate nr, don't be stubborn and let's go"

I pushed his hand away and looked at him, "Usman, do what I told you to" I quickly got into my car and started to drive. I had to find him, I can't live without him.

Where is he? How is he? Is he hurt? I was getting hella worried. Tears didn't stop from my eyes, they kept rolling down. My eyes felt heavy, but I had to find him.

It's already 1 am but I still haven't found him and neither did Usman. I stopped my car and looked at the picture. "Z-Zain, where are you? Please, baby, be safe" I whispered while crying. Suddenly I got a call from Usman, I quickly answered the call.

"Usman, did you find him?"

"Jannat...... Please come home"

"N-No, answer my question first"

"Jannat, come home we'll talk... My team is looking for him"

"U-Usman, I-I can't, I-I miss him... I-I will look for him"

I ended the call and cried my eyes out. Suddenly my phone started ringing again, without looking at the caller id I answered the phone.


"Your son is with me, come to Gold Hotel and get him from here"

"I-I'm coming now!"

I ended the call and started starting the car but it died. "Damn it!" I quickly got out and started running towards the hotel. While running I fell and sprained my ankle. I looked down on my ankle and saw it was bleeding because of my heel.

I took my heel off and just threw it and started running again. I need to get to him. I kept running not stopping even if my ankle was hurting like hell.

When I arrived at the hotel I quickly got in and looked around while breathing heavily. People kept giving me weird looks but I didn't care, I just had to find my son.

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