Chapter 8

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"Mommy, I want to see grandpa," He said while seating on my lap. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him towards my chest. "I know baby, but grandpa isn't feeling well"

"Mommy, please, I miss grandpa. I haven't seen him for soooooo long" He said while tearing up. I sadly smiled and nodded my head, "But you shouldn't be loud okay?" He quickly nodded and I put him down.

These last few days I've been at the hospital day and night, and dad wasn't getting any better. Today was also Mrs. Kingston's surgery so I had to leave.

I walked into the dad's room with Zain beside me. I let go of his hand and he slowly walked up to his grandpa. I started tearing up after seeing dad. He didn't look like himself any longer.

"Grandpa, see your Zain is here" He whispered while holding dad's hand. I weakly smiled and walked towards them, I kneeled on Zain's height and looked at him.

"B-Baby, can you be by your grandpa's side for a while? Mommy has some work hm?" He nodded his head and sat on the bed beside dad. I quickly walked out and saw nurse Julien.

"Julien, I'm going to surgery, please if anything happens to my dad you have to call in the surgery room 4 and tell me" She nodded and I started walking to my office.

I saw Mrs. Kingston's son, I didn't give him any attention and just went to my seat. "Everything is ready and the surgery will take place in a while. You can wait outside the surgery room or you can go to room nr 455 and wait there"

I said without looking at him. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone but this was my job, so I had to. "Why so down Ms. Doctor?" I ignored him and walked out of my office.

I got ready for the surgery and saw all the nurses and Alex who were gonna be there during the surgery. "Let's get started," I said and then the surgery began.

We were almost done when the phone started ringing, "Jessie, quickly answer the phone" I said still focused on the surgery. I heard her talking and couldn't wait to hear who it was.

"Who was it?" "D-Dr. Jannat, y-your father passed away" Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un. My hands didn't stop, my body didn't stop and neither did my eyes. I kept doing the surgery, "Jannat, stop"

I couldn't stop, I can't stop, I have to do this. "W-We need blood!" Jessie said. I looked up and then went back to, "Get it from me quickly!" I said while still doing the surgery.

Dad, why did you leave me without even meeting me for the last time? I couldn't even feel your warmth for the last time, I couldn't hold your hand for the last time, I couldn't see you, hear you. I lost everything today.

When the surgery was done, I slowly went outside and there I was met by Mrs. Kingston's husband, son, daughter, and son-in-law. "T-The surgery was successful, you can meet Mrs. Kingston in an hour"

I said without looking at them, I didn't want to meet anyone's eyes. I can't show my tears to anyone. I know dad didn't leave me, I have to see him.

"Thank you-" Maria was cut off by a voice. "JANNAT!" I looked towards the voice and there I saw my brother running towards me in his uniform. He ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"D-Dad, h-he isn't more" He cried. I shook my head and pulled him away, I kept shaking my head and started taking steps backward. "N-No, I-I know he is still here"

"M-MOMMY!" I heard another voice and then small footsteps running towards me. "Jannat you are bleeding, what happened?!" Usman shouted while grabbing my arm.

Dad, you didn't leave me, right? I know he didn't leave me, he can't leave me. He promised to always be by my side, he promised not to leave me alone, never.

"A-Abbu" "Jannat! No!" He needs me, I need to be by his side, I can't leave him. I kept running and running, I had to go to dad. I burst into the room "JULIEN! How can you cover his face?! He hates dark!" I shouted while pushing her hand away.

"Jannat, stop!" I was pulled away by Alex who I didn't even see coming. "Let me go, Alex, Abbu needs me!" I said while trying to push him away. "JANNAT!" He shouted while making me look at him.

"Your dad is gone okay! He is gone! He is dead! Think about Zain! Think about Usman!" He shouted at me. I looked towards the door and there I saw them both crying.

I slowly fell on my knees and there, there I couldn't hold my tears. I started crying my eyes out. "M-Mommy!" Zain ran up to me and wrapped his small arms around my neck and hugged me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his tiny waist and then I felt some strong and big arms wrapping around us.

He left me, forver.

Makson Kingston P.O.V.
When she walked out and told us that the surgery went well, we all were very happy. When we suddenly got to know that her father died, we couldn't believe it.

"She completed the surgery even when she could have left, she didn't let us down even when her father died," Dad said softly while putting his hand on my shoulder.

I kept looking at her, she was crying, and watching her cry made me feel things. I felt like I wanted to hug her, I wanted to have her in my arms and tell her that everything will be fine, but why?

"H-He l-left me alone U-Usman" I didn't want to go, but why? I wanted to be there for her, but why? I for the last time looked at her and then walked away.

What has this girl done to me? I must have been in this hospital for too long, I need to get out from here.

2 weeks later
These 2 last weeks, I always came to visit my mother but not once, not even once, did I see her. It was that guy doctor who came to check on mom.

Today when I came to pick mom up, I finally saw her. I saw her there talking with my mom while smiling. She looked skinnier, she didn't look good but she was still smiling.

I walked towards the room and kept looking at them. "I'm sorry dear, I'm sorry for your loss, and thank you." "No please, Mrs. Kingston, don't thank me. Allah had everything in his hands, I knew my dad didn't have much time but I just... couldn't.... believe it"

"Call me auntie dear, I will always be thankful. Call me, talk to me and whenever you need any help you'll ask me" She chuckled while nodding her head. "And auntie, please remember to come next week," She said with a smile.

My mother pulled her into a hug, "Wow, are you smiling?" When did he come? I looked at Arif confused, "What do you mean?" He smirked and shook his head.

"Take mom home, I have work," I said and walked away from there. I went back to my company and put all my mind on the files and meetings. When I was doing some files suddenly I could smell her sweet vanilla scent.

I closed my eyes while sighing. Her beautiful smiling face, her sweet little chuckles, her beautiful eyes, her pinkish cheeks, her beautiful heart, the way she walks, the way she talks, the way she smiles.

Her reddish lips- I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. "Wait, what was I just thinking? What did I just think?! OH GOD!" I grabbed my head and leaned back on my chair. "I think I'm sick, yeah I'm sick"

What is happening to me?

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