Chapter 29

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I was at work doing my last paperwork since it was my off day tomorrow. Everything was happening very fast and I wasn't getting any good feelings about it. I sighed and stood up while taking my car keys.

I walked out into the parking and got into my car. I started driving towards Zain's friend's house since he had gone there for a while. Before going there I stopped by a cake shop to get Usman's favourite cake since he was returning home today.

"I would like one chocolate cake" "Yes, right on the way," The cashier said while smiling. I paid and waited till she will be back with the cake. I sat down by the window and looked at the cold weather.

Suddenly I saw Haniya over the street in a coffee shop, she wasn't alone and was with a... guy? "Mam, your cake" "Thank you," I said while taking the cake from her. I quickly got out of the shop and there I saw her getting into that guy's car with him.

"What is this girl up to?" I whispered to myself. I took a deep breath and got into my car, I wanted to follow them but I'll ask her face to face when she'll meet at home.

After picking Zain up we stopped by the ice cream shop, "So which flavour does my big boy want?" I looked at him and saw him staring at me. "What happened?" "Mommy, you said ice creams only on weekends" He put his little hand on my forehead and then put the other on his forehead.

"No, you don't have fever" I chuckled and pinched his cute chubby cheeks. "My smart big boy, your favourite uncle is coming home today, so we'll buy ice cream for everyone and what did I else say about sweets?"

"Sweets only weekends and on special days!" He shouted happily. I smiled and ruffled his long hair. "Come on" I got off the car and helped him out. He looked at me and put his hands towards me.

"babyboy, you're six and turning 7 in 2 months" He pouted and made puppy eyes. "Okay, come here" I picked him up while he wrapped his small arms around me.

We bought ice cream and went home. "Uncle is here!" Zain said as soon as I parked the car in front of our house. He ran inside and I could hear giggles and laughter from inside.

I walked in and saw Zain in Usman's arms. "Jannat!" He happily shouted and hugged me tightly. "I'm so happy you're back," I said while pulling away. "Of course, I had to come back, after all, it's my sister Nikkah tomorrow"

I smiled and nodded my head. "See what I got for my big boy," I said while handing him the cake. "Wow, you're really the best sister ever," he said and pecked my cheek.

"NO! Only I'm allowed to kiss mommy!" Zain shouted and hugged my legs. I chuckled, "She is my sister before she is you mommy" He teased while said crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

"Jannat, go to bed early today, tomorrow is a big day," ammi said while looking at me. I nodded my head and took Zain from Usman. I went up to our room and helped Zain to take a bath.

"Mommy and daddy are getting married tomorrow, mommy and daddy are getting married tomorrow" He sang while he played with the bubbles in the bathtub.

"Are you that happy?" "YES! Everyone's parents are married in my class and they all have siblings, now my parents are getting married I will also get a sister or a brother" I chuckled while listening to his sweet talks.


Last night I waited for Haniya but she never returned home. I don't know what she is up to or who that guy was. Since I woke early up today I decided to make the last breakfast for everyone.

As I was putting everything on the table I heard Usman and Zain's voices and Ammi laughing along with them. "Jannat, what are you doing?" "I made breakfast for everyone, last breakfast from me"

Ammi sighed and walk towards me and held my hands. "Jannat, I haven't been the best mother, and I haven't given you the loved you deserved, but just remember that if you'll ever need anything, then I'll always be here to help you," She said while crying.

"I only need you by my side, that is enough for me" She pulled me into a hug while I also wrapped my arms around her. "Okay, can you mother and daughter stop crying now? We don't have time" Usman said while taking a bite from the pancakes I made.

After our breakfast, I got Zain ready. "So does my boy like his clothes today?" "I love it, mommy," He said while smiling brightly. I brushed his hair and put it up.

"Done" He looked into the mirror and smiled, "Thank you mommy" He said and pecked my cheek. "Zain are you ready?!" Usman shouted from downstairs. "Be a good boy while you're with your dad" "I will"

Usman went to send Zain to Makson's house since he wanted to be from the groom's side. "Jannat?!" I went downstairs when ammi called for me. "Yes?" "I'm sorry, but Haniya is stock with a lot of things, can you help her and then get ready?" "Of course"

I walked outside and saw her taking some bags out of the car. "I'll help" I two bags from her and looked at her. "Where were you last night?" Instead of answering me she just ignored me.

I put the bags on the ground and turned her around so that she was facing me. "Where were you last night?" "It doesn't matter" She pushed my hand away and dropped something. I looked down and was shocked.

"Haniya, you wouldn't"

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