Chapter 6

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Jannat Ali P.O.V.
"Zain, I don't want complaints from your teacher this week" "Okay mommy," He said started walking away. I sighed and got into my car.

When I arrived at the hospital I started walking towards the elevator. "Good morning Dr. Jannat" "Good morning Dr. Alex" He chuckled and shook his head.

"I can't believe it" "What?" I asked confused while we got into the elevator. "I can't believe it that you didn't work these 3 weeks" I was going to answer him when the elevator stopped and nurse Julien walked in while panting.

"D-Dr. Jannat, t-the file you asked for yesterday" "Omg, Julien, did you run all the way?" She nodded while handing me the file. "I have surgery to attend, I saw you and decided to give it to you first"

"Thank you so much, Julien, and good luck in the surgery" I opened the file and started looking through it. "I take my words back, you still worked from home" "Of course I did, how could I leave my patients," I said still looking through the file.

"This is my stop," I said while getting off. He had to check on a patient so he went to the 7th floor. I got into my office and put my doctor coat on and put the stethoscope around my neck.

I took the hospital phone and called the head nurse. "Alice, please call Mrs. Kingston and tell her to meet me today," I said and ended the call after getting her answer.

I looked through my files on my computer and looked through all the surgeries which had to take place 2 weeks ago but were postponed. I decided to do 4 of them today after meeting Mrs. Kingston.

I stood up and started walking around. I went to check on some patients and did some blood tests on some of them. "I'll give you time, and then please come and meet me," I said while writing the time on a paper.

I went back to my office, I called nurse Jessie who always worked with me. "Jessie, how many patients are there today?" "There aren't many, a few" I nodded and told her to let them come in.

"Hello, Doctor" I smiled and looked at the baby she was holding in her hands. "Mashallah, she is cute" She smiled and thanked me. "So how can I help you?"

"My baby has been coughing a lot these days, so I just wanted a check-up" I nodded and started to check on the little baby. I went back to my seat and sat down.

"Jessie, can you please write the coughing medicine down, and the sweet one please" She nodded and started writing it down. "It's a normal cold, she may have a little runny nose, and it will last about 7-10 days. If it's longer then please do come again" She nodded.

I told her what to do and when to give the medicine. One after one, I was finished with all my patients and just then there was a knock on the door. "Jessie please look" She nodded and stood up.

"Dr. Jannat, it's Mrs. Kingston and her daughter" I looked away from the computer screen and nodded to her. She let them in and then came and stood beside me.

"Hello again Mrs. Kingston and Maria," "Hello," They both said and sat down. I noticed Maria's baby bump which I didn't notice last time. "I didn't notice your baby bump last time, how many months?"

She smiled and caressed her baby bump, "8 months" "Mashallah, girl or boy?" "A little baby boy" "First baby?" Her mother chuckled and shook her head.

"Her second baby" "Congratulations" I'm not so open and talkative with my patients but I'm nice to all of them, but with them, I felt something special.

"Sorry, I had to cancel the meet last time, I had some personal problems" "No-No, it's alright," Maria said while smiling. I smiled and nodded my head.

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