Chapter 19

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Jannat Ali P.O.V
"Dear, eat something" Makson's mother has been telling me to eat but I wasn't even hungry. I only wanted my little boy to be with me right now. "Thank you, auntie, but I'm not hungry"

She sighed and sat beside me, "Jannat dear, you need to eat if you want to fight for your son" I shook my head while tearing up. I turned around and looked at her with teary eyes.

"Auntie, am I that bad that Allah took my son away from me? A-Am I that bad that I have to go through this? I don't know how he is, if he has eaten, I-I'm missing him a lot... I-I've never been away from him, y-you know he can't sleep without hugging me or kissing me"

I didn't know when I started crying but I'm broken at the moment. "Am I that bad that my mother could never love me once, all I had was my father and Zain, but... but now I don't even have them... I'm alone, all alone" I whispered while hugging myself.

She hugged me tightly while caressing my head, "Your not alone my child, you're not. You should trust Allah's plans, whatever Allah is doing is for good. Don't lose hope my dear"

"W-Why do you care so much about me? I-I'm no one to you" She pulled away and wiped my tears away while smiling at me. "You're my daughter, I've never seen a kind-hearted girl like you Jannat. You're an angle, and that can't be changed. I didn't give birth to you, I haven't known you for long, but I know deep inside my heart that you are my daughter, the girl I've been looking for all my life"

She put the spoon towards my mouth and smiled at me, I took the bite and slowly started eating. After eating she suddenly put my head on her lap and started caressing my head.

"Makson, Jack and Maria used to do this, they ate dinner and then laid on my lap," She said while giggling. I smiled a little thinking about Makson being clingy.

I don't know when and how but I fell asleep.

I was in front of my old house, which I left not long ago. Makson and Jack were with me with some papers. I slowly knocked on the door and waited till someone opened the door.

Usman opened the door and looked at me shocked, he stepped aside and let me in. "Did you give Zain to Haniya yourself?" I shook my head and held his hand.

"Y-You know I would never" He smiled and hugged me while I calmed down in his warm hug, "I knew you wouldn't" He pulled away and looked at Jack and Makson.

"Meet Jack, Zain's father and Makson Jack's brother... This is my little brother Usman" "Is Haniya home?" Usman nodded his head and pointed towards the stairs.

"I'll call her" He went up to call her while I walked into the living room and saw Ammi watching television. "Why are you here after handing your son to my daughter?" I was going to answer but I then saw Haniya coming downstairs.

"What do you want?" Jack walked towards her and stood in front of her, "I want my son back" He said and put papers towards her. She scoffed and looked at me, "Jannat I told you he is my son and I won't give him to you"

"Haniya please, I'm begging you-" "Wait, Haniya it's your son?!" I looked towards Ammi and she was shocked. "Yes Ammi, Zain is Haniya's biological son who she didn't want, who she tried to kill, but my beloved sister and your stepdaughter who you hate took care of him all her life"

I held Usman's hand trying to calm him down. "Yes, Ammi, Zain is Haniya's son, who I took as my own son because she didn't want him" "I didn't want him at that moment because I wasn't ready"

I looked towards her, "But that doesn't change the fact that you tried to kill him even before he was born! I may not say much Haniya, but right now I'm telling you to give me MY son back!" Jack handed her the papers, while she read the paper. "At the court"

"Yes, see you at the court today at 3 pm,"

I was at the court with Jack and Makson, their parents took along and we were waiting for the head judge. Haniya was here with Ammi and Usman had taken Zain out.

The head judge walked in and sat down. "Let the case start" "Your honour, Ms Jannat Ali, who has been taking care of her sister Haniya Ali's son for 5 years, has suddenly been taken away from Ms Jannat. Why? Because now and today Ms Haniya wants her son. Ms Jannat has all rights on Zain Ali, who she has been taking care of when his own mother wasn't there for him"

"Objection your honour! Ms Jannat has now rights on Ms Haniya's son! She doesn't have adoption papers which proves that Ms Haniya's son was with her illegally! Today when Ms Haniya has a job and can take care of her son, then she has all the rights to have him back!"

"Objection your honour, if Ms Haniya ever cared about her child she wouldn't talk about abortion when she was pregnant, she wouldn't have hidden her pregnancy from the father"

"I object your honour, Mr Kingston never wanted the child! When he found out he didn't want it!" "That's not true! I never knew about her pregnancy!"

*BANG BANG* "Silence, please! Mr Kingston, if you want to say something come to the stand" Jack stood up and walked to the stand. "Your honour, I agree that something happened between me and Haniya which led her to be pregnant, she told me to forget everything and we talked like friends, but she never told me about her pregnancy. If she had told me then I would have taken all the responsibilities"

The judge nodded his head and then looked at the lawyers. "Mommy!" I looked behind me when I heard Zain's voice. I was so happy to see my son again, I stood up when I saw him running towards me, but what broke me was when he ran past me and hugged Haniya.

He... he... he didn't call me...

"Your honour as you see the child is happy with his biological mother. Ms Jannat may have taken care of him for 5 years but she did it illegally. I would like to say that Ms Haniya gets to have her son without anyone troubling her"

The head judged started looking through some papers. *BANG BANG*, "Ms Haniya gets to have her son and Mr Kingston gets to meet his son since he is the biological father of the child. Ms Jannat since you took care of your sister's son for 5 years, you did nothing but love him, for that you won't have to pay the fine. The case ends here" *BANG BANG*

That's it... I've lost...

I hope the court scene was alright, I don't know how to write such scenes but I tried my best. Hope you like it;)

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