late valentine's special

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I am not dead.
-for the people who were asking in the dms

just forgot my wattpad login, but we're back and i'll try update the chapters i couldn't in the next few days

[behold crappy short story]


What is it..

..with Vincent always waking me up on weekends?

He's practically dragging me out out of this bed, and I'm sure that counts as assault.

Even with as hard as it is, I decide to just ignore him and try fall back asleep, but it doesn't work out well for me.

Sooner of later, both my bed and I are covered with ice cold water.

Is he trying to get fired?

"Seong, wake up already! Do you even know what day it is?!"

I groan, looking left towards my calendar, marked 14th of February. "It's Valentine's Day. Are you here to remind me that I'm single or something?"

"Apart from Valentine's, what other special event is there?" Vincent asks slowly, so I can keep up, trying to remind me.

I don't know what he's trying to do, but honestly I just want to get my sleep back.

"I don't know, you tell me." I say covering my head with my blanket, only for him to snatch it back off.

"It's your birthday, you idiot, how can you even forget that?"

"Don't rich kids celebrate their birthdays?"

Ah right.

14th of February, my birthday.

Seems that didn't change either.

"Please, just get a cupcake and stick a candle on it." I say, "I'm not in the mood for celebration, and the best gift I could get right now is sleep."

He's shocked, that's for sure, but something tells me that he hasn't told me everything.

I sigh.

"What aren't you telling me, Vincent?"

He looks down slightly, "..Uh.. what do I do with the people in your house?"


"Get out."

I sit up, rubbing my eyes slightly, before getting up.

I look at the clock, with those tricky roman numerals, trying to figure out what the time is.

It looks like it's around 12:40.

I head straight to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a quick bath.

After getting ready, I walk downstairs to see the intruders.

The house is decorated excessively and it looks like it might be hard to clean up.

I find 5 familiar people in my house. Daniel, Jay, Zack, Vasco and Duke.

They all seem to have presents in their hands.

Daniel has a cute collage of Enu, her puppies, and the cute dog I gave Vasco.

I gratefully take it with a smile.

Jay has a mysterious key in his house, and I think I know what it is.

"Oh Jay, you didn't have to get me another motorcycle." I say, taking the key slowly.

"It's a house key though?"

Huh? Isn't that a little much?

"Right.. I've always wanted a house."

Vasco has pillows in his hands, they seem really soft too..

"I'll have peaceful naps with these."

Duke brings a CD, and I get excited.

"It's a new mixtape I was working on."

"I'll listen to it, when you all leave." I whisper the last bit.

Zack has a flowers, red chrysanthemums in particular.

"Flowers for my birthday? Oh thanks." I say, smiling.

"It's your birthday?"

Then what are these for?

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