ρtj ρt.2 + υh dαηiel?

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ty for 2k votes 😩💓💓


I've been doing some editing

minor editing ofc, except the part that I changed the mc's brother's age.

only major because i plan to make a sub-story based on 'x' and seong's mystery brother.

stay tuned for it.


"You know each other? What a coincidence!" Oliver says, other voices from other tables in the snack store quietening his cheery tone, "How do you know each other?"

"Haha, well.."

The last trainee, it was..

"They modelled together." I say, tiredly.

"As a couple!"

Joy Hong.

"Joy Hong. I'm 16. I'm in the ninth grade."

She continues to ramble on about her life story and how she got here.

Oh, if she wasn't Jay's sister.

"Well anyways let's order, since the office pays for food."


I write down my order, after glancing at the lunch allowance.

'Basic roll + Ramen'.

As I look over to Daniel, it looks like he hasn't seen it yet.

But Oliver quickly stops him, "No no. We can't order that."

"We are class C, our allowance is $4 max."

Daniel gets taken aback from the response, only able to stutter two words.

"..4..4 dollars?"

"Classes at our office are ranked by talent. Benefits depend on your class."

"If you think it's not fair, you have to improve!" They say, slurping their noodles depressingly.

They sigh, before pointing over to a group on a table in the far corner.

Their presence is far more stronger than mine.

"You see those guys?' Oliver asks, "Those guys are from class A. Class A and B is split: male and female."

He leans back into the booth seat, sighing, "They have less experience and are younger than me.. but in reality, ther are the closest to making a 'debut'."

"This isn't like a school. You can't make a debut even if you come in here everyday. So work hard, that's life here."

As we all look over to Class A, and I slurp my own noodles, we find that..

they didn't even touch their noodles.

Daniel rushes over to the table, trying to steal their meals.

But is stopped after seeing the Class A's behind him.

"Hey. What are you doing?"

"He's stealing our food, haha."

Oliver quickly reads the room, and tries to stop something that could evolve into an incident.

"Hey what's up guys? Are you saying hello?" Oliver says awkwardly in a desperate tone, "He is one of the new trainees at the agency today."

"These are newbies in your class??" One of the Class A trainees ask.

They notice Joy and easily become understanding and flustered.

The red-hear wraps his arm around her and pulls her close to him.

"What's your name? I'm from Class A, gimme your number."

Geez this company is absolute shit.

"Just give them the food, we're on a diet anyway." Another trainee, looking slightly older and taller says.

"I paid the bill. I paid for everyone." Joy says bravely, scribbling her signature, "I was
planning to treat them on the first day and Daniel was packing the food for me so it wouldn't get tossed."

"Is there anything else you'd like to eat?"

Sigh. I lean back onto the counter.

"I'll pay you back later then." I mutter.

"Class A boys." A familiar voice says, "Where'd you get that phone? It's a secret, right? You could get fired for that."


"And why'd you stop eating and all leave together? Perhaps you were outside smoking?"

"Shall I tell the boss? You'll be sorry."

I switch on my phone, shocked.

"Hey Siri, remind me to never mess with Lasol."

"Let's go Daniel." Joy huffs, linking her arm around Daniel's.

I ruffle my hair, stressed and I walk out with the rest.

The next day comes and it's a school one.

Me and Daniel both get crowded quickly.

The Eli distraction works no longer.

"H-Hey guys.. is that DJ?!" Everyone in the crowd looks to the direction I pointed to, and I grab Daniel's hand to make a run for it.

Huffing, trying to catch my breath as I stumble into an empty classroom, I clumsily reach for something to lean on.

And that one thing was Daniel's shoulder.

"Hey, I don't have crazy stamina like you, so please bare with it for a second, alright?" I say, looking at him.

He's got dusted red cheeks and he's not moving.

..nor breathing.

I tap his cheek, trying to wake him up.

I broke him.

It's not like I can take him to a repair shop can I?

Crowds, storming through the corridors.

Teacher's that are trying to stop it can't, and the others..

...the other teachers are joining them.





Shit, Daniel doesn't even realise it.

He's so emerged in this little world in his mind he doesn't realise that we are the targets for manhunt.

I shake him, slapping his face but when it doesn't work out, I have to take it to extreme levels.

I carry Daniel on top of my left shoulder, gripping his legs with my left hand as I let my backpack rest on my right.

I jump out of the window, with his weight - I'm glad that it was the first floor.

I get onto my motorcycle, trying to make him hold tight, but in the end I have to force his arms around my waist.

I get to my place, and I just place Daniel on a chair.


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