trouble transfer (2)

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i lost two followers pls follow me back i miss u and the kids 🥺

anyways i've risen back from the dead

i have no excuse, once again

i'll release a chapter tomorrow, and maybe the day after.


Ah shit.

I've felt this feeling before, it's too vivid to forget.

I'm in a younger body, and in uniform I don't quite remember.

It's another.. what do I call it.. flashback?

But I'm definitely physically here, so it's probably more like time travelling.

I'm sitting in a seat in the back, one seat from the left.

I gaze at my surroundings, and I suddenly know what's going on.

The blackboard, scribbles written in chalk.

'Logan Lee.'

'Two two.'

It's Logan's short middle school relationship.

Some guy walks up to my desk, holding his cap out.

"Two-two fee."


Why do I have to comply with this plot?

I reach into my pocket, then reaching out to put in the fee.

The day ends, after barely learning anything because the noisy kids in the class.

I walk around a playground, I find myself near, but I notice two middle schoolers sitting one on top of another.

It's those two, the two-two guy and that power hungry girl.

They were dating behind Logan's back?

Right, I remember.

"Ah fuck, I hate the way he talks." the girl says, frowning.

"Is that Logan Lee? Dumbass."

I walk up to them, with a smile, before kicking the two-two guy in the face.

Blood leaks down from his nose, and his head falls back.

"You took my money for the two-two event, yet the girl isn't even loyal?" I pull his head forward by his hair, "I don't really need it, but I'd like my money back."

If you think about it, it's my own way of avenging Logan.

Though I still don't like him either way.

I look towards the girl, and she's shaking, but looking somewhere else.

I follow her gaze, and it stops right at a large figure.

Oh, it's Logan Lee.

His shadow covers the scene.

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