end of animal cruelty

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After looking around the town for information about the two, they headed off to the road cleaner, as they were sweeping the asphalt.

"Two dogs? Again?" They sighed, "These says there have been many missing per fliers. Someone seems to be taking them."

"Taking them? Why would they..?-"

"That's not the real problem." The man interrupts, "The bigger problem is that missing pets are in the garbage."

They sigh before carrying on, and I can notice the absolute horror in the dullness of their eyes. "I found another one this morning in a bag.. I almost passed out."

"There were three kittens inside when I opened it, fortunately they weren't dead but I was shocked. They were all close to dying, poor little things."

I couldn't say a word.

The next night, we head over to a group of what they call 'cat moms', to ask the about the issue.

"Someone took your dogs?" One of them ask.

"Yes. Someone took off their leashes. You haven't seen them?"

"No, I haven't seen big dogs like that ..But couldn't it be that man? The 'bag' general." The male cat mom wonders to the others.

"He's an old marine, I've seen him. An old guy carrying around a bag." The brunette explains, "I saw him when I was throwing our my trash. He had a bag and he was snooping around."

"..And that bag was.. definitely moving."

I turned to see Johan's eyes widen.

"A moment ago, I met him. The old guy in marine uniform.. he had a bag..."

One of the cat moms, a woman who looked well in her 40s, offered to take us there.

She took us to a fairly tall building, pointing to the top floor.

The further we went up, the more you could smell the rotting stench from above.

Once we arrived at the top, a steel gate separated us from the door that led to the marine's apartment, on the opposite side.

Johan breaks the gate open with his bare hands, walking in through.

We could hear the sounds of dogs whining and a cat's soft meow'ing; but before went through the marine's door, he came out himself.

Johan grabbed on the old marine's t-shirt, tugging it tighter the more the elder yelled.

"Our dogs! Where are they?!" Johan yelled desperately.

But when he looked back, he saw the middle-aged cat mom, running away with the pets we had heard earlier.

But I should've known, and realised the uneasiness I felt when following her.

"I just found the bags and tried to help them! The real culprit is her! The lady from 202!"

The woman was already far enough from reach, and the elder quickly told us about the lady's past.

We all walked out of the building, and i headed straight to 202.

At first, I tried sweet talking my way into her house - after all, I can easily sort out a 'misunderstanding'.

But with my efforts gone to waste, Daniel had already arrived and I still hadn't made any progress.

He called the police, desperately asking from help, but when it seemed like the animal hoarder had been using the law to to her advantage the whole time, it was my last straw.

I hit the bottom of my fist on the door, frustrated, before breaking the painted, gey ashwood into quarters.

"Tell them," I said to Daniel, "Tell the police to come quickly, that a criminal damaged private property."

I never thought that I'd ever use the word criminal to define myself, but I guess there's a first for everything.

When Enu and Daniel reunited, I momentarily forget about the fine that I might receive.

"So will you come now?" Daniel asks the office on the line.

I sigh, hitting my head in on the wall - thinking about how angry Vincent [his personal butler] would be, knowing I was out doing illegal things again.

At least this time, it won't be for assault.

"Looks like I owe you two," Johan said.

Behind him is a large group of men in identical uniform.

"Daniel, Seong. Come visit me in Nowon next time. We might be bad guys but we're gonna pay our debts!" He continues, "we never bite our friends! We're God Dogs!!"

Daniel's jaw dropped at the last few words, and I pretend to be surprised.

He walks away with the huge crowd behind him and in a few minutes, the police arrive.

They barged into the crazy lady's house, rubbish and animal excrement over the floor and the rotten pet food.

Some of the cats where left with traces of excrement in the eye sockets, and yet 202 and I were gifted the exact same fine.

600,000 won. My fine, for simply breaking open a door, and hers for inhumane animal cruelty.

It's not the first time that I've had such distrust in the police force. But today, was still such a surprise.

At this point, I have surely had enough, and I walk home.

Once I do get home, I hear a lecture about how late it is, and i the fact that I was out breaking the law again.

I made a few poor excuses, that I know Vincent would never believe, but I think he could easily read the mood.

He lets me off, and I find myself falling asleep.


a/n - i'd love to quickly write a New Years side story, but nothings really coming to mind right now.

if i suddenly get an idea i'll post it on New Years (tmrw)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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