01. sandcastle

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THE MOUNTAIN AIR was cool and refreshing. Jeong Yeonwoo's hair blew across her face, but she didn't bother to brush it away or tie it. She looked behind her towards the rolling hills, glad that her twin brother's final resting place was in such a beautiful location.

"Has it been too long, Seyeon? I'm so sorry for not coming sooner." She picked out the wilted flowers, decaying leaves, and twigs that had accumulated on his grave within her absence. "One year. I've thought about this moment for so long, thinking about what I should say. But you probably already know what it's about—we are twins after all."

She placed a heavy hand on the stone. "I'm here to stay, Seyeon, so please don't worry. I've decided to stay here so I can face—" She took a deep breath. "Face what I have been running away from for so long. I'm doing this all for you. No more running away."

She reached for the potted plant she had brought from their grandmother's house. With her bare hands, she dug up the soil next to Seyeon's grave until there was a hole large enough to fit the plant. Delicately, she replanted it, then patted the soil firmly.

"You know how much I hate picking flowers just for them to die in two days."

After she finished, she stood back to admire her handiwork. The plant's thin green leaves, translucent in the morning mountain light, growing out of the spindly brown bark were a sight to behold.

"This plant can survive the harshest winds, too much water, no water, and the blazing sun. It is strong. Just like you." She knelt down, gazing upon Seyeon's smiling face. She traced his face with her finger, smudging the glass with her muddy hands.

"But I'm still mad at you for leaving me. You didn't tell me what you were about to do so that I could stop you. It hurts, Seyeon, and all I want to do is curl up in the dirt beside you and sleep for a million years and never wake up."

Yeonwoo fondly wiped away the mud with the edge of her sleeve. "Last night, I dreamt of us picking fruit in Grandmother's orchard. Remember when she got mad at us because we ate it all? But it was alright because we had each other. It felt so real, I cried for hours when I woke up. I tried over and over again to go back to sleep so I could dream of you, but I couldn't. "

She kissed the headstone, its surface icy beneath her lips. "I love you. I always will." As she began the long descent down, she failed to notice the figure watching her from a few levels down from Seyeon's gravesite row.

Halfway down the hill, Yeonwoo realised she had left the pot behind. She ran all the way back to Seyeon's grave, huffing and puffing because she didn't want to miss the truck that came only once an hour to pick people up at the base of the hill.

When she finally reached Seyeon's grave, a fresh bouquet of chrysanthemums rested atop his stone. Bewildered, she picked it up, sure that it hadn't been there before.

When she came to the realisation that it was not just flowers but yellow flowers, she swivelled round, eyes searching desperately. The crease in her forehead deepened, and a single name dropped from her lips.

"Han Seojun?"

a/n: hello! this is my first seojun fanfic cos tvn seriously robbed him in true beauty. this story will loosely follow the plot of the kdrama, but I'm relying on nothing but my memory for the chronological order of events. also, if anybody would love to create a book cover to replace my sh!tty attempt, I would highly appreciate it. see you next time!! xx duchess

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