11. earth

14.8K 621 138

ONCE YEONWOO HAD stopped crying, she found herself sitting on a bench, Seojun holding her close. Her head nestled comfortably underneath his, her damp cheek pressed against his shoulder.

He handed her a water bottle and she dislodged herself from his warmth, regretting it immediately as the cold enveloped her instead. When she shivered slightly, Seojun took off his jacket to place on Yeonwoo's shoulders.

She drank down the water greedily. "Thank you." Her voice sounded disembodied, foreign to herself.

"Are you alright now?" He edged closer to her, but she instinctively moved away. 

"Sorry." Her face felt numb and puffy, her eyes sore from crying.

"I thought—I thought after a year you'd be ... fine," He finished lamely.

She crushed the bottle in her fist. "How could it ever get better? I've lost my twin. The only person who understood me. No-one else will get me the way Seyeon did, and no-one ever will.  It's so hard, Seojun, being alone. I miss him so much."

Seojun was quiet. He mulled it over, and his heart splintered into a million pieces as he pictured Yeonwoo's grief—her crying in a park, in a bathroom, muted in her room.

Before he could stop himself, he took her face in his hands and said firmly, "Lean on me."

Yeonwoo was at a loss for words. All she saw was love in his open, honest, sweet, sweet face. An unruly lock of his hair fell over his face, and she pushed it away, so she could see his entire face in all its glory. 

In a whisper barely audible to herself, she said, "It was you, wasn't it? At Seyeon's grave a month ago. You left yellow flowers for him."

Miraculously, Seojun heard her. Or he had watched the moving of her lips, could sense what she was asking. "You saw me?"

"I didn't. I just ... knew." She looked into his eyes, cheeks still being held by his gentle hands. "You heard what I was saying at his grave, didn't you?"

He nodded. With his thumb, he wiped away the remnants of her tears. "I won't say a word to anyone about it."


I'm with Seojun now. He's going to walk me home.


han seojun???


Yeap. He found me.


that's surprising, but good. i love you. text me later.

While they were walking to her house, he blurted out, "I'm sorry for last night. It was selfish of me, to pressure you about this when you're the one who has more right to grieve. I didn't mean to hurt you, but I did."

"It should be Suho you're apologising to. You guys used to be so close and now you're enemies." It was a thought out loud. What was stopping them from making up?

Seojun stiffened beside her. She noticed his discomfort and said, "You guys still have a lot to talk about but I won't press any further. You two are big boys. You need to sort out your own problems."

In front of her door, he suddenly demanded, "Give me your phone number. Friends should have each other's phone numbers, you know."

"We're friends now?" She added her number into his phone, smiling slightly. "I thought you were Seyeon's, not mine?"

"I've always considered you a friend."

"My, isn't that sweet?" She teased.

As Seojun walked back home, he checked Yeonwoo's contact—and started chuckling when he saw what she had saved herself as.

my best friend's sister

Several feet away, hiding behind a wall, a guy scrolled through his photo album. There was a picture of Seojun holding Yeonwoo's face, them gazing tenderly at each other, and another of Seojun pushing back Jugyeong's hair at the cafeteria.

"Sungyong should find this interesting."

a/n: woke up and expected 2.8k or even 2.9k but 3k??? And it's now 3.1k???? scratch that, 3.2k!!!!

also, what do you think of seojun and yeonwoo's developing relationship?? Ain't they cute XD

changing my updating schedule to wed, fri, & sun:)) so don't forget to vote, comment, follow xxx 

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