07. vivid

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IN THE LATE evenings, Yeonwoo and Seyeon would sit with their mother and tell her all about their day. After Seyeon's death, Yeonwoo couldn't bring herself to continue with the ritual until it was her mother herself who started it up again.

With her head in her mother's lap, Yeonwoo told her mother about her first day at Saebom. "When we came back from P.E., Seojun had placed this—" She held up the bottle of mango milk. "—on my desk. Isn't that sweet of him? Considering he was Seyeon's friend and not mine?"

"Seojun is a very good boy. Look at how he treats his mother and sister. He knows how to treat a woman well." Her mother was braiding Yeonwoo's hair. "Suho and Seojun are very sweet boys. You should date one of them."

Yeonwoo gulped and kept silent.

Her mother, drawn into a reminiscent mood, said, "They were such good friends to Seyeon. I wish I could meet them again, thank them for their friendship to our Seyeon."

Yeonwoo decided not to mention they were sworn enemies now. 

Her mother patted Yeonwoo's head and pushed her up to admire the braid.

Even as a child, Yeonwoo's hair was beautiful, thick and straight, with an natural auburn tint that was even more apparent in the sunlight. It was one of the only things that had set her apart from Seyeon, who was blessed with naturally black hair.

But just before coming back to school, she decided to dye it black. Was it to commemorate Seyeon? Or was it to make sure nobody recognised her? She had no idea herself.

Heiran, Yeonwoo's older sister, entered the living room carrying Daesung on her hip. At the sight of her chubby nephew, Yeonwoo stood with her hands held out, cooing, "Omo, is that my cutie little Daesung?" She took him from her sister, bouncing him on her hip.

While Yeonwoo was occupied with Daesung, Heiran took her place next to their mother, leaning against her. "There's still some leftover dinner. Shall I put the rest in the fridge?"

With the plan already formulated in her mind, Yeonwoo's mother turned toward her determinedly. "Yeonwoo, do you still remember where Suho and Seojun live?"

That was how Yeonwoo found herself packing the food with Heiran. 

"How was your first day?" Heiran asked Yeonwoo, as they distributed the food into separate Tupperwares. It was the first time they had been alone that day. Yeonwoo had gone out with Sua, Jugyeong, and Sujin after school and had only come home after dinner.

"It was fine. I met some of my old classmates."

However, Heiran was unsatisfied by her meagre answer. She wanted to pry further to really know what was going on in her younger sister's life. 

They hadn't been close growing up due to the age gap and because it was always Yeonwoo and Seyeon, Heiran being a separate entity. Now that it was just the two of them, Heiran wasn't sure how to approach her. When the rest of her family had moved to the UK after Seyeon's death, the gap widened even more. Although they called and texted sometimes, she had never come close to understanding Yeonwoo's emotional state after his death. It didn't help that Yeonwoo was a brick wall to anyone other than Seyeon.

Finally she said, "You know I'm always here if you need someone to talk to, right?"


Yeonwoo decided to go to Suho's apartment first because it was the closest. Swinging the two baskets aimlessly, she strolled through the night, gazing up at the moon.

She looked down at her shadow. She put down the baskets, and stretched out a hand as if to grasp the shadows.

It had been a game they liked to play: catching shadows. Whoever stepped on the other's shadow first was the winner. 

She jumped onto her own shadow and the ache of longing swelled up in her heart once more. Now, she wanted her twin right by her side more than ever.

Yeonwoo was just about to turn the corner when she caught sight of Seojun in front of the building in an orange sweater. He was talking in a low, angry voice to Suho. She was about to turn away when she heard her name being mentioned.

Knowing it gave her the consensus to eavesdrop, she leaned against the wall and listened.

a/n: I just had to mention the orange sweater cos Seojun just looked so good in it omfg

and I am OVERWHELMED by the amount of support like we've reached 1000 reads already?? insane. and I appreciate all your lovely comments so much thank you ilyy xx

my classes have started again after my midterms, but dw I'll be writing at night time so that I won't go completely insane from classes 💀

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