50. bright

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TO CELEBRATE A MILESTONE, Seojun took Yeonwoo out for ice cream after her first therapy session. He even picked her up on his motorcycle from the hospital, when she had planned to take the bus.

"You didn't have to do this," she protested, yet already picking up the delicious looking cup of ice cream Seojun placed down in front of her. "It's just one session first."

"And it's important, because you're on your way," he fought back. "Now eat, you must be exhausted."

"I am," she agreed, before digging in. The icy sweetness of the dessert cooled her aching head and eased the tightness in her chest. Seojun looked on approvingly.

As they ate, he broke the ice by asking, "How was it?"

"It was exhausting. I feel mentally drained but surprisingly, my head feels clearer than it has been in a long, long time." She paused. "I want to tell you all about it. Are you okay with it?"

Seojun chuckled. "I should be asking you that. So go on, tell me more."

Yeonwoo beamed. "My therapist, Dr. Kim, called me brave for returning to 'face my fears' as she described it. And, for deciding to see her. Isn't that nice of her? At first, we talked about little things. The weather, school, my friends. I told her all about Suho, Sujin, and Jugyeong. I talked a lot about you, especially since you helped me out a lot in the beginning."

He grinned appreciatively. "What else?"

"Well, we started discussing my fears. Why I was so afraid of life without Seyeon, and she said something really profoundly interesting. Do you want to know what it was? She said, that life wouldn't be worse without Seyeon—it'd just be different. I shouldn't be wondering what I could have done because at the end of the day, there's no point. I can't change the past, but I can look forward to the future.

"And she gave me a little project to do. She read in my files that I stopped cello around the time of Seyeon's. Currently, I'm using all my energy on negative stuff e.g. missing Seyeon in a really unhealthy manner. But Dr. Kim now thinks that I should redirect all that energy into something productive, like my cello."

"You're going to give the cello another try?"

"I loved my cello. It was everything to me. Dr. Kim explained music therapy to me, and she thinks it could be a good fit for me."

"Then go for it!"

The next day, she went to her music studio to meet her old cello instructor, Ms. Ko. They had a long talk, and afterwards, she had signed herself for classes and was thinking of entering the senior's concert.

It was discovered that the webmaster was a Year 1 student named Heejeong. Incidentally, she had also been bullying Gowoon lately; Seojun had seen that that little girl paid the price.

Semi had indeed sent the spicy bit of news to her, and Heejeong had posted it because she was a spiteful, bratty, malicious girl who loved invoking chaos. For that, both of the girls received a stern talking-to from their respective principals and a two-week suspension.

Sua made it clear that she wasn't mad because of Jugyeong's bare face, but rather the fact that she never told her and she was hurt. The girls then made amends, and promises to always tell each other the truth.

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