31. saffron

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THEY WERE FIVE minutes late to the baseball game. Despite that fact, Yeonwoo was still reeling from the sight of Seojun running towards her, hair ruffled and cheeks red from hurrying.

"I bought popcorn while I was waiting for you." She placed the bucket in between them as they sat comfortably down in the front-row seats, which had a splendid view of the field.

"Nice! This'll convince me to stay for the entire match." Seojun dug in eagerly.

"You don't like baseball?"

"I don't care much for it."

"Then why on earth did you agree to watch the game with me?"

He raised an eyebrow. "You said you didn't want to waste the ticket, right?"

She nodded slowly. "Gee, thanks. That's really nice of you."

She turned back to the game, failing to notice his lingering gaze upon her face.

When Hyungjin's team scored, they stood up along with the rest of the crowd. Yeonwoo excitedly waved her balloons, and even Seojun got into the act.

"Oppa, you're so cool!" She screamed, and Hyungjin tipped his cap at her in recognition.

Watching this little exchange, Seojun's eyes narrowed, good mood dissipating as quickly as melting snow. He still had not forgotten the moment he had seen them hugging. Exactly how deep did their relationship run? he wondered.

"What are you doing?" Yeonwoo asked. He suddenly realised that he was the only one in the entire crowd still standing up. He had been so lost in his thoughts, the rest of the world had slipped by without his notice.

"Nothing. Sorry." Red-faced, he slumped back into his seat and sulked.

When it was half-time, the large screen switched on to play a video of a pink heart, with cursive white letters flashing over it. Apink's Mr. Chu began playing at full volume. Kiss Cam Time!

Seojun inwardly cringed. Whenever kiss cam scenes appeared in the dramas his mother and sister avidly watched, they would clutch each other and scream their lungs out.

"This is so cringy." He mumbled, pouting at the screen as the male lead edged closer to the female lead.

Gowoon had been folding the laundry at the time, and she snapped Seojun's boxers sharply before flinging them at him. "You won't be saying that when you're at a baseball game with your crush."

Back in the present, Seojun was lucky his mullet hid the tips of his reddening ears.

Next to him, Yeonwoo was fidgeting. She had not anticipated there would be a kiss cam segment during half-time. She spotted Hyungjin milling by the benches and he mouthed at her, Have fun.

Bastard. He probably planned the whole thing.

"Why would they want to subject themselves to such embarrassment?" Seojun muttered, as a couple displayed on the screen were forced to smooch.

"You don't like kiss cams?" She asked him.

He turned even redder and began stumbling, "I-It's so embarrassing. I mean, kissing is something private. Why should it be blasted for everyone to see?"

Suddenly, Yeonwoo gasped. Because on the screen were two people she recognised very very well.

"Seojun. Han Seojun." She shook his arm.

"What?" He frowned at her. She timidly pointed ahead of her towards the screen and he turned to look at what she was so focused upon.

It was them. Onscreen. Kiss cam.

"What a gorgeous young couple!" The host boomed into the microphone, to the deafening yells and cheers of the crowd.

"What should we do, Seojun-ah?" She muttered from the side of her mouth, eyes as wide as the moon.

He was quiet, contemplating on whether he should go ahead and test whatever hypothesis he had regarding his feelings for the girl sitting right next to him.

In the end, he decided to go for it.

"Just follow my lead." With one smooth movement, Seojun had his arm around the frozen girl. With his other arm, he held her cheek.

"If you're uncomfortable," he whispered, "Pinch me."

Mute, she nodded slightly, as to not collide her head with his.

His fingers brushed against the edges of her ears, sending goosebumps prickling down her neck and spine. His touch was light, to the point that she had to play with the hem of her sweater to keep herself from doing something rash.

(Such as making the first move herself.)

Only seconds before, the crowd had been so loud. But now, all she could hear was her heart thumping and Seojun's even, calm breathing. He smelled so nice, of wood and spice and citrus. Her eyes rove to his lips. They were so nicely shaped and red, perfect for—

He leaned in, head slightly tilted. She closed her eyes, breath hitching, expecting something more, way more, than just a chaste kiss next to her mouth. He gently pressed his lips to her skin for a heart-thundering three seconds, long enough for the crowd to be satisfied and short enough to not suggest anything else.

It took all of her energy to not yell, What the hell, Han Seojun? the moment it happened.

After those agitating three seconds, he pulled away as fast as lightning, cheeks flaming, looking anywhere but her.

The crowd was filled with adoring awwwws. Even the host chuckled, "What I would give to be young again! Enjoy your happiness, kids—you're beautiful because you are teenagers."

Does he know Mr. Han? Yeonwoo wondered at the cheesy line. But when she looked back at Seojun, her brain went to mush.

Unfortunately, he looked even more alluring after that bold move he had pulled.

At least ten rows above them, Suho sat among the crowd, staring wide-eyed at the screen that had depicted his ex-best friend kissing their mutual best friend's sister.

From below the bleachers stood Hyungjin, grinning at the couple. He patted himself on the shoulder for asking the host beforehand to aim the kiss cam on them, the couple sitting in the seats Hyungjin had reserved especially for them.

One day, they would thank him.

a/n: I'm so sorry, this is so cringy HAHAHHAHAHAHA 😭😭😭😭😭

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