51. aesthetic

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IN THE AFTERMATH OF the concert, Ms. Ko immediately got Yeonwoo started on her cello diploma, as well as applying for competitions and worldwide music conservatories.

Senior year was a busy year for Yeonwoo; she was being taken all over the country for competitions. She even spent a few weeks in Europe, another in Asia and America. Music consumed her, and she even began hanging out on a regular basis with Minkyu, especially since she was in the same class as him.

Much to the dismay of her best friends, Yeonwoo had been placed in a separate class as them.

"It's been so long since we've sat together!" Sua said morosely, looking across the cafeteria to where Yeonwoo sat eating with Minkyu and several other students in the orchestra. "What are they working on now?"

"Music showcase for Spring," Seojun grumbled.

"It seems our whole crew is falling apart," Taehoon pouted. "First, Sujin moves to America. Yeonwoo becomes obsessed with her cello. Look, she's even brought it to the cafeteria, she thinks someone's going to steal it! Then, Suho's father has to get brain surgery so he goes to America too. Have you heard anything from him lately, Jugyeong?"

"Not since we've broken up," she responded dully. Sticking to her vow with Yeonwoo, Jugyeong had been going to school everyday with a bare face—she had never felt better, especially with her friends surrounding her.

Sua glared at her insensitive boyfriend. "Don't mention him to her! His name is void around here, do you understand?"

Jugyeong suddenly let out a wail and slumped over the table. "I can't believe he broke up with me because he thought the distance would be too much for us!"

When Suho broke up with her, Yeonwoo had called him, wanting an explanation. But he just fed her the same excuse: he thought they couldn't handle long distance. She was disappointed that they were over so quick, after barely even starting. In addition, Suho had just started patching up his friendship with Seojun.

Sua patted her back sympathetically. "You'll find another boyfriend, Jugyeong-ah!"

"But I don't want another boyfriend! I want Suho!"

Seojun rolled his eyes, but said, "Do you want to go to the amusement park after school? That'll cheer you up."

As Jugyeong cheered, Taehoon whispered to his girlfriend, "Is he okay? I mean, this is the fifth time he's offered, and the fifth time she's said yes! Do you think they're gonna be a couple?"

"I don't think so, I'm pretty sure she still loves Suho." But Sua still couldn't help but look apprehensive.

"So, Yeonwoo, it's been thirteen months and this is going to be your last session with me for quite a while. How do you feel?" Dr. Kim, Yeonwoo's therapist, poured out a mug of steaming hot tea for the two of them.

They were sitting in her office, Yeonwoo facing the big wide windows as they chatted. She had been in a trance, staring out, but was pulled back down to earth by the question.

"How do I feel about what?"

Dr. Kim said gently, "About being accepted to Juilliard. You're leaving in two days. How do you feel about leaving all that you've built behind?"

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