19. daisy

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After that, the room descended into complete pandemonium. Sungyong grabbed a hold of Yeonwoo's ponytail, at which she grabbed his hair back.

"Let go!" He yelled.

"You let go first, you fucking jerk, shall I rip out your lips?!" She shrieked, calm demeanour gone the moment he touched her precious hair. She tugged harder on his hair and dug her nails into his arm.

"What are you doing? Get her off me!" Sungyong screeched to his thugs, who were circling around them nervously, unsure how to approach the situation. Jugyeong pressed herself against the wall, terrified at how everything was unfolding.

She murmured to herself, "Please let this be a dream, please let this be a dream." But when she opened her eyes, she still saw one of her best friends head locking Yongpa High School's notorious lead gangster.

The door burst open, and Suho stood there. His serious face transitioned into one of astonishment at the sight that greeted him. "Is that you, Yeonwoo?"

Taking the opportunity, Yeonwoo pierced her nails deeper into his skin, and Sungyong flung himself away from her, wailing that she was a crazy bitch. She pounced onto him and started pulling on his hair, thumping him on the back.

"What are you doing you useless pricks?" Sungyong wailed, as the girl and him were embroiled in a seriously nasty hair-pulling-slash-slapping fight. 

All Suho could do was stand back and watch in amazement. He was reluctant to intervene, for it seemed that Yeonwoo had the upper hand—and that it was a version of her he had never seen. Never in his wildest nightmares would he have imagined the peaceful Jeong twins fighting anybody.

Suddenly, someone yelled, "It's Han Seojun!" True to word, Seojun stood in the doorway. Just like Suho, he greeted the situation with a stunned, "Yeonwoo?"

Before he could move towards them, the gang swarmed around him, at which Seojun effortlessly picked them out one by one. 

Bodies fell, punches flew. Suho and Seojun took on the rest of the gang. Even Jugyeong recovered from her shock and got in on the action by knocking a guy out with a tambourine.

If that weren't enough, Sua, Sujin, and Taehoon finally arrived, marking their entrance with a jubilant, "We're here!"

Their participation gave a newfound energy to the fight and soon enough, they emerged the winners. By the end, Sungyong's gang were lying on the ground groaning while their pitiful leader was pinned underneath Yeonwoo.

As she repeatedly striked him, he cried out pitifully, "Ouch, ouch, stop it!" He tried to shield himself with his arms. 

But Yeonwoo wasn't finished with him and carried on the assault, growling in between blows, "You—will—respect—people!" With each strike, her raven hair flew with the power she held in arms strong from years of cello.

(And technique taught to her by none other than Kang Sujin).

Her friends stood back at a distance, wide-eyed and slightly apprehensive. Suho exclaimed to Seojun, "Aren't you going to stop her?"

Seojun raised an eyebrow. "And why would I? She's doing amazing."

"Remind me never to get on her bad side," Taehoon whispered to Sua, who nodded effusively.

At last, Yeonwoo got off him. She threateningly raised a fist as if to punch him, but he ran out of the room before she could, the rest of his thugs following quickly after him.

"That was tiring." She blew her hair out of her face and smiled shyly at her friends. "And fun." When she stepped towards them, they all instinctively took a step back.

"You are a very, very scary woman." Jugyeong whispered.

"I thought that was hot." One of the thugs, who had been left on the ground, piped up. 

Seojun growled and dragged him out by the hood of his hoodie harder than he should've, probably because he himself had thought so too.

Sujin suddenly gasped. "Your face—"

Yeonwoo put a hot hand to her left cheek and realised with a jolt, how swollen it felt in comparison to her other cheek. She touched her cheek, where the blood from her lip had dried. "Ohh, this."

Jugyeong rushed to her side, saying tearfully, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She picked up a cold drink from the table and pressed it against her cheek.

"That feels nice," Yeonwoo sighed in relief. "And don't blame yourself, Jugyeong. Blame that guy over there who led Sungyong to believe that we're dating him. He took pictures of us with him."

Six pairs of accusing eyes flew to the door, which opened as Seojun stepped back in. "How was I supposed to know? But don't worry. After I deal with them, they won't dare bother you anymore." He cracked his knuckles threateningly. 

He turned to Yeonwoo and was about to say something when he noticed her face and the blood on her uniform. His face tightened. "Did Sungyong—"

"He slapped me before you guys came. But it's fine."

"No, it's not!" The urgency in his voice startled everyone. Seojun hurried to her side and practically snatched the can from Jugyeong to press it harder into Yeonwoo's face.

When she winced, he seethed. As his eyes trailed from her swollen face down to the front of her uniform, which was speckled with drops of blood, a muscle ticked in his jaw. 

He muttered low under his breath, "This won't do."

a/n: for the fight, imagine the fight in scarlet heart between wang eun (baekhyun) and haesoo (iu) HAHHAHAHAHA. comical and pitying for sungyong. if you haven't seen the scene yet, I def recommend for you to watch the drama or search the scene on youtube. The fight scene is HILARIOUS, just like the entire kdrama!!!! 10/10 for comedy, so go watch it!!!

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