62. starry

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A FEW WEEKS AFTER Yeonwoo made it clear to everyone that she was staying in Seoul, Sua and Taehoon got married. She looked positively radiant in a white wedding dress, complete with her baby bump proudly sticking out.

"Seems a little too late to be wearing such a virginal shade white, doesn't it?" Yeonwoo whispered to Sujin, as they sat in the audience watching Sua walk down the aisle.

Sujin snickered, at which her now-boyfriend Youngsoo elbowed her. So, she sobered up and instead responded in a low voice, "I guess they ran out of tan dresses."

Sua's baby was born a mere three months later, a healthy, bouncing baby girl whom everyone cooed and doted over. A month after that, Jugyeong and Suho announced that they were getting engaged. They figured it was a good time to get married, as everyone was back together in Seoul, and things were falling in nicely together.

A month later in September, Yeonwoo started her new life as a PhD student at the prestigious Seoryeong University, the same university in which the famed pianist Park Joonyoung had studied. She loved every second of it, and was eager for the end of the day so that she could see Seojun and tell him all about it.

It was October now. They were hanging out at Seojun's new apartment, which he had moved into right when Yeonwoo started her PhD. She had brought her cello over so she could even get in some practice, because she wanted to spend as much time as possible with him, even if they were doing separate things.

Seojun was writing lyrics while Yeonwoo was doing research on music during the Han dynasty. While they were in the middle of their work, he put down his pen and turned to her. "You know what? I've just realised that we don't have a couple song."

She raised an eyebrow. "But we've only been dating for two months."

Just as they had discussed, they were taking things slow and had only officially begun dating two months ago. But ever since the scene at the mountains, they had been firmly attached by the hip.

Their friends had been delighted, but teased them that they had already been unofficially dating since high school. Secretly, they all already had bets going as to when they'd be getting married. Suho called it within a year, Sua and Taehoon in two years, and romantic Jugyeong bet it would be before Christmas.

Their respective families were thrilled that their kids were dating. Family dinners were becoming a very common occurrence. There was even talk between the two mothers about wedding planning already, and Gowoon and Heiran were already calling dibs on being godmother.

When the couple asked their family why they were overreacting so much to this little news of them dating, they all responded with: "We all knew it was just a matter of time! Isn't the next step obvious?"

Seojun rolled his eyes. "Of course we have to have a couple song, that's so typical of you. "

She laughed good-naturedly. "Oh, fine. How about The Flowerpot? I introduced it to you, and you sang it for me during the our junior year camping trip, even though it was meant to be sad."

"It's too sad. Think of the lyrics! I want to be your flowerpot that sits on your windowsill, never to speak or move."

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