14. mimosa

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THE MORNING DRIFTED by slowly. Yeonwoo's classmates received their midterm marks, which she did not have because she had arrived so late in the semester. Some of the parents were arriving at school for parent-teacher interviews, which set off a lot of anxiety among the class.

But it was during lunch when crap really hit the fan. She was sitting with her friends when Hyunkyu made a loud entrance. 

He announced in a booming voice, "Guys, I have big news!" He ran over to Suho. "Suho, is Lee Joohun your father?"

Whispers fluttered around the cafeteria. He barrelled on, "The other kids saw him in front of the teachers' office. You're incredible, Suho! My mum is a huge fan, can you ask him for—"

Suho slammed his tray down and stalked out of the cafeteria, obviously furious with Hyunkyu's blabbering. This did nothing to dispel the murmurs, which only grew in volume from Suho's abrupt exit.

"I have to go now." Yeonwoo said, picking up her tray. 

Sujin gave her a knowing look. "Yeonwoo, don't—"

"I'm going to do exactly what you're thinking of." Her brisk walk out of the cafeteria turned into a run once she was out. She searched for his face by looking into all the windows and as she did, her last conversation with Lee Joohun played in her mind.

"That did not give you an excuse to kick him out so harshly without letting him explain his innocence. You didn't even try to investigate the claims or find out the truth!"

"Calm down Ms. Jeong, I'm sure you're feeling upset with your brother's death, but understand that I did what was right for the company—"

"To hell with your fucking company. You killed my brother."

"Do you think I'm a charity that helps powerless kids? What's wrong with an agency firing a talent who only drew criticism from society?"

"You killed him. Are you seriously only caring about your reputation right now?" 

"He didn't push Seyeon off the building, he jumped off himself," The director piped up.

Yeonwoo slapped him on the face. "Don't you dare sully my brother's name." 

His face twitched threateningly and he was about to step forward, but Suho's dad stopped him.

"Leave her be. She's grieving." He fixed her a sympathetic smile. "Our condolences. Until next time."

Anger bubbled in her blood, raw and hot. It had been so long since she had last seen his face, how he seemed so unwilling to plead forgiveness, or even admit to his direct contribution to her brother's death.

She followed the trail of giggling mothers and squealing girls outside the building, and there stood he: Lee Joohun. Otherwise known as Suho's father.

"CEO." She stepped forward to greet him. He looked the same: well-fed and confident, his dark hair peppered with a bit more grey since the last time she saw him.

"Oh? Jeong Yeonwoo?" He looked startled and to her delight, uncomfortable. "What are you doing here in Korea?"

"I moved back a month ago. I missed my brother too much, you see."

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