16. sand

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"YOU CALLED ME out here just to have tea?" Yeonwoo furrowed her forehead. 

Suho sat in front of her, sipping longjing tea out of a dainty china cup. They were in a very posh café, one of the more expensive ones along the street.

"Isn't this what friends do? Go out to cafés together to drink tea and eat expensive cakes?" He put down his cup. "I figured you needed this indulgence. I don't mind spending this much money because I saw you and Seojun during the festival."

"You heard the performance?"

"I did. I had a panic attack, just like you." He smiled wanly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. Seojun comforted me. How about you? Did anyone find you?"

He hesitated before admitting, "Lim Jugyeong found me."

For about the millionth time that day, she was surprised. "So the rumours are true, then? The love triangle between you, Seojun, and Jugyeong really does exist."

He frowned at her. "I'm not sure whether Seojun genuinely likes her, or if he's just getting close to her to irk me. But she is a nice person."

Yeonwoo grinned. "I like her too. I never expected to warm to a stranger so quickly. If you like her, I can help you. I'm an expert in relationships."

"You've never even dated before."

"How would you know?"

Suho looked skeptical. "Do you think Seyeon would've let you date just anybody?"

She chuckled. " I guess you're right. But I went on a few dates in the UK, just for fun. My classmates were really experienced though. They've told me just about everything there is about romance—dates, first kisses, first everythings—"

"Stop it." Suho grumbled, cheeks aflame. "I don't want to hear it. Just shut up and eat your cake." 

He stabbed a slice of fluffy chiffon with a fork and stuffed it into the girl's mouth.

But she wasn't finished yet. Through a mouthful of cake, she chattered, "Stop acting so innocent, Lee Suho. I know what goes on in a boy's mind. So if you're ever wondering, I can give you a few pointers—"

"Stop it, I said!"

Seojun peeked his head out from behind the wall. His sister sat on the couch, admiring her makeup with a hand mirror.

"Are they gone?" He whispered loudly, refusing to enter the room if they were still there.

Gowoon placed down the mirror with exaggerated weariness. "Yeonwoo left right after your little performance. She was so embarrassed, she could barely speak."

"I should be the only one allowed to be embarrassed! But then again, she was probably flustered. I'm not bad-looking, y'know," Seojun said cockily, only to receive a cushion by the side of his head."YAH!"

His sister scoffed, "She would never like you. You just reminded her that she had a date to go to, a date with a much better guy than you."

"Yeonwoo's dating? But she's never said anything."

"Why would she tell you that she's going on a date with Lee Suho?" Gowoon retorted, before clapping a hand over her mouth. 

She was aware of the falling out between her brother and Suho, but had never known the reason behind it. She just knew that the animosity between the two was really, really bad. And now she had blown whatever civility they had mustered over the year out of the window.

"Why would she go on a date with Lee Suho?"  Seojun was incredulous and disbelieving. Lee Suho? And Jeong Yeonwoo? That didn't make any sense to him.

Using her hands to act out the situation, Gowoon sighed and said,"Oppa, think about it. Seyeon is Yeonwoo's twin. Suho was his best friend. Not to mention the only other best friend Seyeon had other than you and Yeonwoo. There must have been some affection from the start, right? They're both smart, good-looking, with similar personalities. It makes sense that they would be attracted to each other. Of course when you guys were in middle school, you were too young. And now that you're all teenagers, the hormones came in and bam!" 

She clapped her hands, making Seojun jump violently. 

She smiled triumphantly at her brother. "They're going to start dating in at least a month. Mark my words, oppa."

He nodded slowly, thinking that her explanation was a teeny bit rational. But then he suddenly realised. "Hey, what about me?! I was Seyeon's best friend too."

"You're too conceited. I can tell by Yeonwoo's personality that she would never like someone like you," she said nonchalantly.

"Ugh, whatever. I'm going out."

Gowoon picked up her phone and started taking a few selfies. "Wow, Jugyeong's really good at makeup. She just left by the way."

"I'll walk her home." He mumbled dejectedly, still a gentleman despite the hit on his ego he had just received. 

This was the cherry on top of another reason why he shouldn't start liking Jeong Yeonwoo. Of course, to steal her away from that prick would be interesting, but Seojun felt sick to the stomach at the thought of using her. And if she liked him enough to spend her weekend with him, then she would be happy. She deserved to be happy, even if it was with Lee Suho of all people. Right?

a/n: hiii! 8989 reads, so close to 9k!! btw, I know that in the 'rain' chapter, I said that Yeonwoo play(s/ed) the piano, but I changed it to the cello. does this mean she's going back to music?? idk bruh, you tell me 👀

i hope you're all doing well. don't forget to vote and comment!!

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