60. retro

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THAT SUNDAY, SUA ORGANISED another get-another. This particular reunion would be giving them a chance to be introduced to Sujin's new 'friend', Youngsoo.

"I'm busy too!" Sujin yelled into her phone, ignoring the startled looks of the other people in the restaurant. Then, her face abruptly changed to one of pure sweetness. "Alright, see you after this."

"You change moods so quickly!" Jugyeong gasped, putting a hand on her heart as she was a little startled.

"Have you two started dating?" Sua asked eagerly.

Sujin scoffed. "As if! We just met last week."

"If he's lasting for this long, I've got hope for him," Sua giggled.

"Sujin has a boyfriend?" Suho said, sliding into the seat beside Jugyeong.

Sujin glared at him and pointed her fork at him. "You say one more word about this, and you're going to be missing half a—"

"You're such a fucking potty-mouth, Sujin," Seojun said, joining them at the table.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

"Enough!" Jugyeong cried out. She rubbed her forehead, exhausted. "Jeez, without our peacemaker, it's like a war-zone."

Seojun looked around. "Where is Yeonwoo by the way? Is she here?"

In as quick as a blink, Sua sent a wink to Jugyeong, who winked back in such a painfully awkward way, everyone else except Seojun noticed. 

Sua put on an innocent look. "She's gone, of course."

"Gone where?"

Jugyeong rolled her eyes, clearly enjoying her acting role. "Gone back to New York!"

"WHAT?!" Seojun roared, bouncing out of his seat. "She's leaving? And she never told me?"

"Yup!" Sua said cheerfully. But she immediately took it down a notch, putting on a sad face. "That girl didn't want to make such a huge fuss, so she kept it all hush-hush."

Jugyeong tutted, "She didn't want to make you unnecessarily sad, so she kept it a secret from you."

"But why would she leave?"

Now, it was Sua's job to deliver the final blow. "Well, she has her whole life in New York. Friends, her cello career. There's nothing in Korea to pin her down. Nothing important like say, a partner."

Suddenly, Seojun realised something. He got up, gathering his coat.

"I've just realised ... I have to tell her something. No wait, I need to. What time is her flight?"

"She's at her grandmother's to say goodbye." Sua checked her watch. "But I'd hurry up if I were you. She's leaving—"

"Tonight!" Jugyeong said, at the same time as Sua said, "Tomorrow morning!" They both stared at each other, having not coordinated about this piece of information.

Seojun was impatient. "So what is it? Tonight or in two hours?"

"Just go already!" Sujin said, exasperated.

As Seojun raced out the door, Taehoon called out after him crazily, "Go get the girl!"

"I still can't believe that it was Yeonwoo he was stuck on all this time," Sihyun said wonderingly.

"I was right all this time!" Hyunkyu said, puffing up his chest. "It was I who predicted that something would happen between the two of them."

"No, you were saying all this time it was going to be Yeonwoo and Suho!" Chorong protested.

"Ew, no! She's like a sister to me!" Suho said disgustedly.

"That's the most emotion I've seen you show in five years," Sujin sneered.

"What is up with you today? You're so snarky."

"She's trying to feel normal because she's in a romantic relationship," Jugyeong said, at which Sujin glared at her.

Just then, Youngsoo entered and joined them. He kissed a flustered Sujin on the cheek and looked behind him warily. "As I was coming in, there was this crazy guy who practically pushed me to the ground to get into the taxi I came in. He looked kind of familiar too."

"Oh, that's Han Seojun. He's a friend of our's." Sujin gave him a look. "Are you sure you want in with this crowd? We're kind of crazy."

Youngsoo laughed good-naturedly. "Friends with a Kpop idol? Count me in!"

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