09. lemon

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THERE WERE TIMES when Seojun portrayed his kind, soft-hearted side instead of the tough version of himself everyone else was used to seeing—Yeonwoo was well aware of that.

He and Suho had come over one day to their house to watch a movie. The three boys were sprawled all over each other on the couch, watching Big Hero 6 when Yeonwoo arrived home.

"I'm home." She called out, the exhaustion barely evident in her voice. But Seyeon detected it, and stood up to greet his sister as she walked in. Yeonwoo was dragging her legs, face hidden by her hair and arms folded.

"How was your day, Yeonwoo?" He asked cautiously.

Yeonwoo raised her head doggedly. Seyeon gasped audibly. Seojun and Suho turned away from the screen lazily, and their jaws dropped to the floor when they caught sight of the girl. 

A thin river of congealed blood ran from her lip down to her neck. The left side of her face was peppered with a network of criss-crossed scratches. Even her arms weren't spared: her left sleeve was torn and bloody, and her right hand was swollen and bruised.

At once, Seyeon rushed to the kitchen where the first aid supplies were kept. Seojun jumped up from the floor and examined Yeonwoo closely, holding her shoulders as gently as he could. She was a bit amazed—he was usually awkward around her, never one to first initiate contact with her. But now he was looking at her as if she was the most delicate piece of china in the world. So of course, it was Yeonwoo who was flustered this time.

Meanwhile, Suho just sat and stared, unsure of what to do.

"Did you decide to beat up a gang of thugs or something?" Seojun said, brushing her hair back behind her ears to study the damage on her face.

"Some blasted idiot ran a red light."

"WHAT?!" Seojun and Seyeon yelled angrily, the latter being able to hear all the way from the kitchen.

"Shouldn't you be in the hospital?" Words were finally able to come out of Suho's mouth, stunned as he was.

When Seojun's face darkened, Yeonwoo said in a tiny voice, "He was going really slow."

"Did you report him? Is he in police custody?" Suho asked, at the same time as Seojun's threatening, "I will find that jerk and kill him."

"He drove off too fast. And I can't remember his plate number." She only addressed Suho's remark. "I did manage to punch a dent in his car as he sped away though." As evidence, she raised her right fist.

Seojun reached for her fist. "It doesn't look that bad. But you better be careful with this hand, it's gonna be bruised for a while.

"And you are so knowledgable on this topic because ... "

The boy rolled his eyes. "Now's really not the time to bring up what I do in my spare time."

She giggled, and then winced. "My lip hurts." The wound ran from the side of her lip down to her chin.

"Let me see," Seojun said in a low voice, before touching her lip gingerly. Yeonwoo nearly jumped a mile into the air, not because of the pain, but because of how close his face was to hers.

"Hmm. I don't think you need to get stitches." He didn't appear that affected by the close contact. "But you do need a plaster and cream."

Yeonwoo nodded, mute. She could feel his breath against her mouth and see how his beautiful eyes were so riveted on her lips. She had never realised how pretty he was up close, how nice it felt to be the object of his gaze.

"Please don't try to seduce my sister now of all times," Seyeon said drily, reentering the room. Seojun immediately moved away, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Now that Seyeon was back in the room, he was back to treading on eggshells around Yeonwoo.

Seyeon put an arm around his twin and guided her to the couch, a look of pain on his own face as she slowly sat down. "My tailbone hurts too." She whispered, not wanting Seojun and Suho to overhear.

"I'll tell Mum and Dad to bring us to the hospital when they get back from work." He wiped her face with a damp towel, clucking commiseratingly when she winced."Who told you to go get yourself nearly hit by a car?"

"It wasn't my fault!"

"You better be careful, Yeonwoo-ah, especially on your bicycle. If you get hurt, I'll have to take care of you like this again."

"But I like being babied by my baby brother."

"Yeonwoo's older?" Suho asked.

"By five minutes only," replied Seyeon, as he dunk the towel in the bowl of water.

"And I'm taller and stronger than him." Yeonwoo said cheerily, before crying out in pain from stretching her lips.

After he cleaned her wounds, applied disinfectant, and bandaged her hand, Seyeon asked Seojun to tend to the scratches on her face.

"What's your favourite colour?" Seojun asked, rummaging through the first aid kit for a plaster to cover the larger wound by her chin. Suho was in the kitchen, preparing an ice pack for Yeonwoo's back.



"But you only have one chance. If you get it wrong, you'll have to grant me one wish."

Seyeon laughed. "My sister loves to play guessing games. She always does this with me."

"And I always win. Usually I hit him, but I shouldn't hit you, Seojun. All your fangirls would get mad at me."

"Hey! I don't have fangirls!" Seojun protested. "You have to at least give me a clue."

"No clues! And you have only two weeks."

While Seyeon washed up the bloody water and towel, Seojun dabbed wound cream onto her face with a cotton tip. Carefully, he removed the plastic from the back of a white plaster and pressed it to her chin. The whole time, he was so attentive, so gentle, his touch felt lighter than a butterfly's kiss upon her skin.

Never once did Yeonwoo's eyes leave his face. 

a/n: Sooo how are you guys doing? I initially thought to only post on wednesdays & sundays, but I just have so many chapters down that I thought might as well post more than twice a measly weak, don't you think:))) 

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