39. cookie

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THE NEXT DAY dawned bright and sunny. The students were milling about in the field, waiting for Mr. Han to announce the morning activities.

Despite the fright she had endured last night, Yeonwoo's face was rosy with health. She was dressed in a dark red sweater and moss-green flared pants, which only accentuated the length of her legs.

"You're so ... leggy!" Sua cried out in admiration, as the girl strutted over to join them. "How tall are you again?"

"Hovering around 180," she responded smugly, at which her friends gasped.

Sujin, who on a good day, barely reached the girl's shoulders, nodded approvingly. "You look good, Yeonwoo-ah."

"Hey, Yeonwoo." Seojun sidled up to her, his hand fidgeting with something in his pocket. "Did you get a good sleep?"

"Y-Yes, I did." Her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Did you? Or were your dreams plagued with ghosts and ghouls, water spirits who—"

"Stop it!" His hand flew up to cover her mouth. Just as quickly, he snatched it away, face glowing red. "S-Sorry. Catch you later."

Yeonwoo watched his retreating back as he walked away. And as she did, she saw something fall out of his pocket, and ran to pick it up.

"You dropped something." It was a dainty and simple bracelet, adorned with a pretty cluster of flowers and fluffed-up pink and white thread.

"Thanks." He quickly took it back from her and stuffed it back into his pocket before speed-walking to his gang.

Is that for a girl? she wondered, also making her way back to her friends.

To the chagrin of her classmates, Mr. Han announced that the morning activity was a treasure hunt.

"We're not elementary school kids anymore, sir!" Hyunkyu yelled from the back, at which they all murmured in agreement.

Yeonwoo, on the other hand, found the idea of a treasure hunt very romantic.

Mr. Han sighed and then revealed, "The winner will receive a gift voucher worth 55,000 won." At the mention of the money, all the students scrambled to get started on the treasure hunt.

Sujin tugged on Yeonwoo's arm to get them started, at which the latter tugged at Jugyeong's arm. When Jugyeong stayed firmly put, Yeonwoo turned to her, eyes questioning, while Sujin ran off to hinder Sua's progress, who had already started digging up a tree.

"You guys go on ahead. I think I'm going to rest in the bus, I feel a bit sick," Jugyeong explained.

"Is this because you stayed up late last night?" Yeonwoo was touched that Jugyeong had stayed up so late worrying about her safety.

Her fever actually had more to do with her falling into a lake, but Jugyeong decided not to tell her. One thing would lead to another and then she'd end up disclosing her part in Yeonwoo and Seojun's exciting night out.

Jugyeong left to go rest in the bus, and Yeonwoo joined Sujin in searching for the letters. But after ten minutes, guilt wallowed her up. She felt responsible for Jugyeong feeling tired and sick.

(If only she knew).

After she informed Mr. Han that she'd be taking medicine to her, she dashed to the tiny infirmary of the campsite for some Paracetamol.

She walked slowly towards the bus, armed with the medicine and a thermos with hot water. Just as she was stepping out onto the road, she glanced up and saw—

Seojun. In the bus. Next to Jugyeong.

She watched him give her a pill and a thermos of water. She watched him drape his jacket over her sleeping form. She watched him move her head onto his shoulder. Her best friend. And the guy she liked.

Heart thudding, she pressed herself against the wall, not wanting to watch anymore. She peeked at them again, desperately wanting to believe that he was taking care of her for simply platonic reasons.

But alas, what Yeonwoo had seen and heard about them did not strengthen that conviction.

Seojun chuckled fondly at Jugyeong, whose head rested upon his shoulder. He knew that sleeping against the window would not do any favours for her neck and thought it best for her to have a more comfortable surface to rest upon.

During Mr. Han's announcement in the field, he had been looking at Jeong Yeonwoo. He had been mulling over last night's experience, whether it was a sign from the universe that he should not have feelings for her.

While he had been doing that, his glance briefly washed over Jugyeong's pallid complexion. And when she had left to go rest in the bus, he followed her, worried as a friend worries for another friend.

(Besides, he hated it when people were sick).

Seojun reached into his pocket to stare at the flower bracelet he had clumsily made in the wee hours of the morning. He was planning on gifting it to Yeonwoo, but wasn't sure whether it'd fit her, or if she'd even like it.

He had tried using Chorong as a model, but he kept on teasing to the point that Seojun got fed up and sulked all throughout breakfast.

Without thinking too much about it, he tied it around Jugyeong's wrist to see how it would look on a girl. Hmm. Not bad. He congratulated himself for having such great taste.

Suddenly, Suho clambered onto the bus. He stopped in front of Seojun and Jugyeong, whose head leaned onto Seojun's shoulder, and her wrist rested on his knee, flower bracelet knotted daintily onto it.

He had seen them from the entrance of the campsite, fury consuming him with blind hatred so that he did not even realise Yeonwoo was leaning against the wall beside him.

"Get out," he breathed heavily.

"Jugyeong's still sleeping," he said blankly.

Suho's eyes glittered menacingly and he stepped forward. He was about to grab Seojun's collar, but the thought of Jugyeong being caught in the middle stopped him. Instead, he said stoically, "Get. Out. That's my last warning."

He stalked out of the bus, not giving Seojun a chance to refuse.

So, Seojun got up and followed him out, forgetting all about the bracelet laced around Jugyeong's wrist—the one he was planning on gifting to Yeonwoo.

a/n: hold on to your seatbelts y'all, we're barely getting started  🤩 ❤️ triple update for y'all cos I'm thinking of entering this story into the watty's. is this story  eligible? cos it's so hard to tell with fanfiction

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