55. baby

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IT WAS THE NEXT DAY. Yeonwoo was sitting in the lobby of Move Entertainment, waiting for Seojun to make an appearance. The evening before, in his drunken stupor, he had left his coat behind. And wanting to play matchmaker was Kang Sujin, who gave Yeonwoo the task of returning to coat to him.

"Yeonwoo! What are you doing here?" Heekyung was walking across the lobby with some other group managers, but split from them to greet the girl.

Yeonwoo greeted her warmly. She liked Jugyeong's sister, and ever since she gave her the green light to release Seyeon's memorial album, they had kept up a friendly acquaintance.

"Seojun left his coat behind last night, so I've come here to return it to it. Will he be coming down soon?"

Heekyung checked her watch. "They're just finishing up practice. But hey, there's one of his bandmates."

It was Ha Minkyu coming out of the elevator. He started walking over to Heekyung, when he saw Yeonwoo standing next to her. "Yeonwoo, you're back in Korea??"

"You two know each other?" Then, Heekyung slapped her forehead. "Oh gosh, I totally forgot that you went to Saebom too!"

"I thought you were still in New York!" Minkyu said joyously, giving the girl a huge hug. During their senior year at Saebom, they had grown pretty close.

"I came back a few days ago, it's really nice to see you." Yeonwoo beamed. "I was actually hoping I'd see you, since you're in the band with Seojun."

Minkyu was about to say something else, but looked apprehensively at Heekyung. The latter then groaned, saying, "Ugh, I must be getting old. You two don't want an old mum hanging around."

To soften the blow, Yeonwoo said, "I'd love to have lunch with you one of these days. And bring Ikjun, he's such a cutie!"

"Yeah yeah, he's a cutie when it's not two in the morning and he's crying his lungs out. Later!" Heekyung saluted them and left.

"How was Juilliard?" Minkyu asked.

"It was fun. I graduated two years ago, and I just finished a three year contract with my New York agency."

"Are you planning to re-sign with them? Or are you going to try and find a new agency?"

"Performing was fun, but I can't see myself doing it forever. So now, I'm just debating my next move."

"What's wrong with performing? The money must have been great, and the fame. You've even performed twice at Carnegie Hall!"

"I don't know, I feel like there's so much more to music that I haven't even discovered yet. Maybe I'm having a mid-life crisis," Yeonwoo joked. "Minkyu, I hope you don't mind, but I have a favour to ask you. I know that for your degree, you studied ..."

Once they finished talking, it was nearly lunchtime. However, Seojun was nowhere to be found. "He's always the last one in the music studio," revealed Minkyu. "Anyways, I have to go now. I'll call you soon, all right?"

As he walked away, Yeonwoo suddenly felt a presence behind her. "Took you long enough."

She whirled around. Seojun was standing behind her, grinning cheekily at her. He took his coat from her, saying, "I see you've got my coat."

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