04. maize

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THE FIRST TIME Yeonwoo was properly introduced to her brother's friends was at her house. She had just returned from a disappointing cello class—her teacher had scolded her for not being able to play her the last five bars of her recital piece smoothly.

"I'm home," Yeonwoo called out softly, slumping into the house. 

She stopped when she caught sight of Lee Suho and Han Seojun, the two undisputed hotties of their school, on her living room floor. Playing video games. Seyeon was crouched on the couch like a panther, head stuck out and eyes riveted upon the moving screen.

"You're home." Usually, Seyeon would look at her, smile sweetly and ask: How was your day? But at that moment, he was concentrating intently on the screen, and barely noticed his sister's mood. 

"Go, go, go!" He suddenly screamed, standing up. 

"Move, move, move!" Suho yelled.

"No way!" Seojun screamed back.

The words GAME OVER flashed on the TV in yellow letters. WINNER IS SEOJUN! LOSER IS SUHO!

"You suck!" Suho jumped onto Seojun, and the two began rolling on the floor, wrestling with each other. Seyeon screeched with laughter, and in between his giggles, "You're—home—Yeonwoo—how—was—your—day?"

"Mmm." Yeonwoo was distracted by the sight of the two hottest boys in her school wrestling on the floor. Suho was trying to peel off Seojun's top, while Seojun fought to do the same to him.

They had been hanging out with her brother for the past few weeks. Their friendship happened because Yeonwoo had stayed home sick. The bullies always seemed to target them, but they never dared to hit them when Yeonwoo was with Seyeon. It was only when it was him alone that they brandished their fists. 

While she had been home sick, unable to accompany Seyeon, Seojun and Suho had fought them off. Seyeon came home ecstatic at having found friends in them, and she was pleased. The twins had always found it hard to make friends with others. But recently, Yeonwoo had started hanging out with Kang Sujin, a girl in her class. So it all fit in perfectly when Seojun and Suho entered the picture.

Yeonwoo barely knew the boys. She only knew them for a distance—Suho for his brains, Seojun for his captivating, bad boy aura. 

Seyeon kicked the wriggling pile, having recovered from his laughing fit. "This is my twin, Yeonwoo. I told you guys about her."

They stood hastily, straightening their clothes and smoothing their hair. Suho was the first to bow and say politely, "Nice to meet you."

Seojun, however, just stood and stared at Yeonwoo. He had seen her a few times around school but they had never been in the same class. She was quiet and unassuming, that was most of what he knew. He also knew she was nice. And pretty. The girl who was brave enough to pull Sujin back whenever she tried to fight someone. She always volunteered for events at the preschool and elementary school.

"Nice to meet you. I'm in class one. You two are in class five, aren't you?" She turned towards Suho. "You're Sujin's friend. She's always been telling me that you're very studious."

shades of yellow » han seojun ffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz