35. bumblebee

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THE SMOKY, LUXURIOUS smell of grilled meat filled the tent, making Jugyeong sigh contentedly. To make things even better, the meat she stuffed into her mouth was perfectly smoky, bursting with flavour. Did she even detect a hint of onion?

"Isn't my cooking the best or what?" Yeonwoo boasted, flipping the meats expertly on the charcoal grill.

"Anyone can do it. Just flip it over and there you go!" Sujin was sulky because she had burnt the meat.

"Sujin, I'll give you a simple job—just place some onion slices around the edges. I'm sure you can't mess that up!" Yeonwoo teased, and the girls shrieked with laughter.

"Today has been so fun." Sua said, leaning back in her chair and closing her eyes. But she winked one eye open to scrutinise the girl who was checking the meat slices as they cooked. "Did you have fun today, Jeong Yeonwoo?"


"What was your favourite part about today?"

"Hmm." Yeonwoo pondered for a moment. "Maybe the newspaper game?"

"Heol." Sua dropped the meat that she had been carrying halfway to her lips onto her plate. "Was it because Ha Minkyu was carrying you?"

Yeonwoo shrugged. "We won, so that was the best part."

"If you say so!"

Suddenly, who should pop up but Ahn Hyunkyu? And bringing with him a thick slab of meat, nonetheless.

"Hey Sihyun." Plopping it down onto her plate, he said guiltily, "It smelled pretty bad earlier, didn't it? I just washed my hair. Enjoy."

"At least you have a conscience," One of the girls piped up.


The boy turned around to face Sihyun, who smiled shyly at him. "It actually didn't smell that terrible."

This reduced the girls to exaggerated gasps. Sua hit Sihyun on the arm, exclaiming, "Don't lie!" And another snickered, "It was gross."

Before they could pounce on Sihyun and her suspicious interaction with Hyunkyu, Mr. Han came by with a platter of mushrooms.

"This is great sir, thank you!" Yeonwoo eagerly took it from him and placed some of them on the grill. "If you guys want more grilled mushrooms, tell me!"

Sujin said disapprovingly, "Yeonwoo, when will you have time to eat? You're so busy taking care of everyone else."

"I like doing this." Yeonwoo stuffed a fresh piece of charred meat into her best friend's mouth to shut her up. "Stop complaining and just eat!"

The next day, Yeonwoo and her friends decided to play the lie detector game after the morning activities. They sat in a circle on the grass, surrounding the lie detector machine and holding colourful plastic mallets.

The questions were hilarious—Yeonwoo nearly split her sides when the lie detector buzzed to reveal that Hyunkyu had once pooped his pants before. Tears ran down her face as she clung onto Sujin for support when Sihyun was hit with the mallets after she had been exposed for acting like a princess.

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