59. dahlia

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"SURPRISE!" WHEN SEOJUN OPENED the door, all he saw was a hovering cake. Then, a face peeked out from behind it: Yeonwoo.

"I wanted to thank you for that amazing performance earlier today. And Gowoon told me you were going to be home for the night, so I thought why not! I bought us an ice-cream cake, strawberry-flavoured because it's your favourite."

She set it all up on the coffee table in front of the television. She had even brought five little candles.

"What's the candles for?" Seojun asked, sitting next to her on the fluffy carpet.

"We're celebrating my return! I haven't been back in Korea for five years, and New York does not sell a single good ice-cream cake. Now go get some plates."

While Seojun was getting the plates, he yelled from the kitchen, "I've realised your hair is back to its original colour again."

"Well, I realised that I shouldn't be so hung up over the traits that made Seyeon and I so different," Yeonwoo explained, as he came from. He cut the cake into eight perfect slices, placing the largest slice onto Yeonwoo's plate.

She gave him a grateful smile. Through a mouthful of creamy deliciousness, she said, "Sorry I didn't go to you straight after the performance. I had to talk to Minkyu about something."

"It's fine. I mean, it's not as if we're dating or anything, right?"

An awkward silence followed this. Seojun tried to save the situation by hastily saying,"Soo, good news. We haven't been caught over our visit to Saebom!"

"Did anyone recognise you while we were on my bike, though?"

"I don't think so, so I think we're safe. We should do it again., but on my motorbike!"

"I'd die before going anywhere near it, and besides, your mum would kill you. Where is she and Gowoon?"

"Gowoon's out on a date with Jugyeong's brother." He rolled his eyes. "And my mum's out with Jugyeong's mother."

"You're close to her family?"

"I guess. We're going to be in-laws sooner or later. I still can't believe that annoying twerp is still dating my little sister. I thought he wouldn't be able to make it through a week, but here we are at three years, and already considering engagement rings!"

"Is your mother pestering you about your love life?"

"Sometimes. She loves that I'm doing what I love, but I think she wishes I was in a relationship. She's always going on about how she isn't getting any younger, and she'd like to see me settled down soon."

"Well, that makes the two of us," Yeonwoo said a little glumly. "My mum's been on my back too. She's always asking me whether I'd like to go on a blind date with her friend's son or something like that."

"But hey, at least we're living out our dreams!" Seojun said. "I'm an idol, and you're a Juilliard cellist living in New York."

Yeonwoo looked as if she was about to say something, but zipped her lips. Instead, she lifted her glass of orange juice. "To dreams!"

"To dreams!" They clinked their glasses and took a long drink, revelling in their successes.

Yeonwoo got back to her parents' house later that night, cheeks pink from a good time. Ever since she came back from New York, she had been staying with them, as she thought there was no point in looking for an apartment for herself just yet.

(Maybe in a few days she would check the newspaper for listings. But it all depended on an email that she would receive in two days, fifteen hours, and six minutes—not that she was counting).

"You're home?" Her parents were in the living room, watching television. Heiran was cutting fruits in the kitchen, heavily pregnant with her second child, and Daesung was sitting in his grandfather's lap.

"I just got back from Seojun's apartment," she said, as she leaned down kiss Daesung's head. "Oof! You're such a big boy already, Daesung-ah!"

"Is there something going on between the two of you?" Heiran said suspiciously, as she walked into the living room to place the platter of fruits on the coffee table.

"We're high school classmates and he's a K-pop star. I wouldn't even have a chance," Yeonwoo said tiredly, dropping onto the sofa. She rested her head in her mother's lap.

"Do you like him though?" Her mother asked, stroking her daughter's long hair, pleased that it was back.

Yeonwoo thought about it for a moment; she couldn't lie to her mother. "I like him a normal amount. I think it could lead to something more, but the circumstances ..."

"Circumstances!" Heiran scoffed. "If I had let circumstances get in the way eight years ago, Daesung and this little cherry wouldn't be here right now!"

"Heiran is right," Her mother said. "Take the leap."

"But I already did, six years ago, remember?" Yeonwoo reminded them, referring to her choice to go to therapy.

"There are a lot of leaps you must take in life, not just one," her father said pointedly.

"But does he even like me?"

"You'll never know if you don't ask," said Heiran. "I say, give it a shot."

Just then, Yeonwoo got two notifications on her phone. One of them was from Sua, whose message read: Whatever you do, don't tell Seojun you're going away for the weekend! And don't answer his calls and texts, please. You HAVE to do this for your future happiness!!!

"Okay, that's a weird request." She realised what the other notification was; it was an email. "That's funny, I thought results were coming out in two days ... " Then, she gasped.

"Oh my goodness!"

a/n: what do you think the email is regarding???

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