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THIS IS IT!! We have finished our story of Yeonwoo and Seojun! Thank you everyone who has been here for this LOOONG journey (it has taken me since February to finish this)

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THIS IS IT!! We have finished our story of Yeonwoo and Seojun! Thank you everyone who has been here for this LOOONG journey (it has taken me since February to finish this).

If you didn't notice, the epilogue ends their story at Seyeon's grave, which is where our story also began! So we've done a nice little circle. I wanted to set the contrast between Yeonwoo's words and emotions at the grave in chapter one, VERSUS in the epilogue, when she's finally accepted his death and is learning to remember him with joy and not grief.

In the epilogue, right at the ending, I made them sing LO$ER=LO♡ER by TXT. it MAY be because I wanted it to convey how successful our bean Seojun is to produce such an EPIC SHOW-STOPPING WONDERFUL song. or it could just be that I am obsessed with the song. 

I checked out the meaning of the song, and it sort of reflects the relationship between Seojun and Yeonwoo, to my amazement! initially I had chosen it without reason. here, I'll insert a quotations from an article by The Korea Herald.

-'how the two characters have a paramount effect on each other, referring to them as "saviours."'
- 'they are guardian angels to each other'

the song is actually really meant for youngsters, but the majority of our story was set during the times when they were teenagers and going through a really tough time no kid should suffer through.

now they're adults and relatively free of the emotional burden of having a twin/close friend commit su*cide due to the scheming of a seriously warped assistant. so shouldn't they be given a chance to act like the carefree teenagers they should have been all along?

(Also, imagine that TXT is a rookie group and Seojun's band is older).

I didn't write a lot about their relationship cos to be honest, I find that that's when the story begins to get a bit cringy and drawn-out. especially if there's a wedding scene with the vows. oh my, the vows.

(If that's your thing, I'm so sorry!)

And boring, because I'm all about the chase!!!

My story wasn't all that romantic. There aren't a lot of heart-thundering moments, spicy stuff, because I hoped to make their relationship as realistic as possible. As people, they grow and learn together, and THAT's the healthy type of relationship I want to see. 

the reason I have this kind of mentality is all because of Studio Ghibli, which portrays relationships in such a way that is more meaningful than obvious passion because they grow together, spiritually and emotionally.

This is actually the first multi-chapter story I have EVER finished, a feat I am so proud of 🥺 !!! If anybody is wondering, I am not thinking of writing a sequel, as I think we have left off their story at a comfortable point. I am also most likely not going to write any new fanfiction on Wattpad, as I have exhausted all my creative powers. 

(Unless a I watch a new k-drama with a wonderful second lead who ends up getting the ending he does not deserve).

Seojun is such an amazing character and I hope I have done him justice as well as Sujin, whom I think we ALL know she never would have betrayed Jugyeong like she did in the k-drama. That's just my thoughts, but in the beginning episodes, she was set up to be a very courageous, righteous person who always defends the underdog. I don't think it was very realistic for her to do a sudden U-turn into the villain. And over a boy whose only expression was:

👁👄👁 ???

(I'm so sorry Suho, but I still love you!!)

I would like to mention that yes, even after therapy, Yeonwoo will probably have some off-days. She may sometimes wake up feeling sad and missing Seyeon. and that is perfectly okay because a perfect journey does not exist. Remember, we're trying to achieve progression and not perfection!!

(as said by that fab British YouTube skincare guru, James Welsh)

HOWEVER, that doesn't mean it's the end of my writing journey. I may not be writing fanfiction but in my spare time, I'm hoping to write a book. It's been my dream ever since I was a little girl to publish a book, and writing Shades of Yellow has helped me rediscover my dream, work out what works for me and what doesn't.

I'm also on ReedsyPrompts under the name Taliah Melur! I'm hoping to write more in the future, so check it out! Btw, Taliah Melur isn't my real name, it's just an alias! From the short stories I have posted, perhaps you'll get a glimpse of the other writing monster inside me:))

I hope that Yeonwoo's journey was heart-warming and sweet, and I wish that you all find sanctuary and peace just as she has. I hope you have enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. So take care, stay safe, and live your life:))


Duchess xx

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