05. jasmine

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SUHO INVITED YEONWOO to have lunch with him on the rooftop, away from prying eyes. However, the sight of the pair walking together to the rooftop did not escape the notice of the other students.

"Does Suho have a thing for transfer students?" One student asked another, as Suho and Yeonwoo walked through the hallway.

There was no denying they looked good together. She was tall, the top of her head easily reaching his forehead. They both had soft, flower-like features and pale skin. And Suho's face didn't look so constipated when Yeonwoo was by his side. The twins were so alike—they were both calm and kind-hearted. Rather than feeling agitated by her presence, Suho felt at peace.

On the rooftop, Suho shared his packed lunch with her. She dug in eagerly into the rice and noodles. He even gave her extra pickled radishes, knowing she loved the stuff.

"I remember whenever we had lunch at your house, you would take out that jar of radishes and devour at least half of it in one sitting." Suho said, the hint of a smile upon his lips. He would, and always, harbour a soft spot for the girl twin.

Yeonwoo scoffed. "Did not."

"Did too."

They ate in silence, until he asked her, "Did you know Seojun and I aren't friends anymore?"

"Of course. When I was away, I kept in touch with Sujin. She tells me all the latest gossip." She suddenly smirked. "I know all about you and Seojun being the resident hotties of Saebom High School. Girls fawn over you two all day. The smart, cold cutie and the dangerous bad boy."

"That's not true!" Suho argued.

"Is too."

"You know what's important?" Suho raised his chopstick accusingly at the girl. "You never kept in touch with me."

"We weren't that close. You were Seyeon's best friend, not mine." Yeonwoo kept on eating, failing to take note of Suho's hurt expression.

"But I still cared about you. I still do." His words drifted through the wind as light as a feather, yet they held so much weight.

Her face softened. "I appreciate the thought, Suho. And if it makes you feel any better, I missed you a lot."

Unfortunately, he spoiled the sweet moment by blurting out, "I'm sorry."

Yeonwoo set down her chopsticks harshly. "You've apologised so many times and for what? It wasn't your fault. No one could have predicted what Seyeon was going to do."

"I ignored his calls." Suho replied blankly. "I wasn't there for him when he needed me."

Yeonwoo reached out to cover his hand with hers. She massaged her thumb upon his knuckles soothingly, something she always used to do for Seyeon when he was having a hard time.

"When you first blamed yourself for Seyeon's death, I was so confused. I didn't believe that you could have caused it. I spent hours begging and pleading you to tell me the whole story. You are a good person, Lee Suho, confused and hurt by your father's actions. Please do not blame yourself. I don't blame you, my parents don't, and Seyeon definitely doesn't."

"How would you know?" Suho's eyes were a bit watery.

Yeonwoo tried to lighten the mood and held out a fist threateningly. "I'm his twin. Of course I know what he would think."

"Does it ever get better? The pain."

She hesitated. "Losing a twin is like losing a limb. You can go on with your life, but you'll always know something is missing. It's been hard, but I'm taking every day step by step. It will eventually get better." 

Yeonwoo didn't mention that on most mornings, she'd wake up crying. She would still leave extra food for Seyeon. She still waited for Seyeon to arrive home so that she could tell him about her day and ask him about his.

So she quickly changed the topic. "For the record, I wasn't studying music. I just went to a regular secondary school in Bristol, nothing special, just compulsory music lessons. It was my mistake telling everyone I was going to pursue music. Now, the vice principal wants me to join the orchestra."

Suho snickered. "I knew it. But tell me, what did you study during those music lessons? Is it different than in South Korea?"

Yeonwoo shook her head. "Not much. I did singing, composing and orchestra as extracurriculars I chose. I took up the flute you know. It was quite fun. Would you like me to tell you more about it? I know that you're interested in composing."

He nodded eagerly.

a/n: i promise the next chapters will have more seojun content. but look, enjoy suho and yeonwoo's relationship x

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