47. fawn

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FOLLOWING HER PARENTS' INSISTENCE, Yeonwoo decided she would take an extended holiday with her grandmother, recuperating in the cool mountain air and hills. Her older sister Heiran was skeptical.

"We're not solving anything, you know," she argued with their parents, on the day Yeonwoo was leaving. "We're just brushing aside the problem."

Her father was firm. "She's not ready yet. Seojun told us everything, we just have to be patient. It's her decision to make, not ours." At this, Heiran understood and let it be.

It was actually a good thing that she left Seoul, because so many things occurred during the week Yeonwoo was away. First of all, Suho found out the truth behind Seyeon's fake scandal. As a result, he and Seojun were involved in a horrible car crash that left them both in the hospital. 

Yeonwoo only found out their accident a day before their discharge from Sujin, who had accidentally spilled the beans during a phone-call.

"Seojun! Suho!" Yeonwoo cried out, bursting into their shared hospital room just as they were packing up to leave.

"Who told you?" Suho gasped. "You weren't supposed to know about this!"

Yeonwoo threw him an exasperated glare. "That's what you're concerned about?"

Her hand automatically went up to push her hair back in frustration, but it was futile, since her hair was even shorter now, after Seojun had tried to make it look as if she hadn't hacked it up impulsively. Although the ends were still jagged and rough, at least both sides were even. With the short hair, she looked straight out of Amelíe.

"We didn't mean to, it was just the circumstances," Seojun said tightly.

"Are you talking about the truth behind Seyeon's scandal?" Yeonwoo said weakly. She forced a smile. "Yeah. My family got a call two days ago, just before the news articles were released on Mr. Lee's stepping down as CEO."

When she came back, her family had sat her down and talked to her about it. Throughout the whole ordeal, she was calm. Her extended stay away from the craziness of the city had given her a new sense of calmness, acceptance even, and she had been prepared.

"They plagiarised Seyeon's song, Starlight." Suho gave her a meaningful look.

Yeonwoo smiled wistfully. She knew that song very well. 

"Knock knock!" The door opened, revealing Yeonwoo standing behind it carrying a duffel bag. She lifted it up. "Clothes for Seyeon!"

"He's in the studio." Suho stepped aside to let her in.

As she followed him, she asked, "How's the music going?"

His face lit up. "Pretty good. We've been working on this song, and it's really good! We've got the tune down, lyrics, feel, but no title yet." It was amazing how much Suho changed whenever he talked about music.

In the studio, she found Seyeon hunched over his notebook while Seojun dozed off in his beanbag. Yeonwoo leaned over the sleeping boy, curious as to how he still managed to look pretty sleeping with his mouth open. And drooling and snoring.

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