54. satin

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"SEOJUN?" Yeonwoo stood up abruptly, knocking her drink onto the table. 

He was as handsome as ever, she noticed. He looked even better than in the pictorials and photoshoots he posted on his public Instagram page. He was makeup-free, wearing a simple button-down top and ripped jeans, his trademark mullet hanging past his collar.

"I thought you were going to be in Jakarta, why are you here?" she cursed herself for sounding so rude.

"Heekyung-noona got an earlier flight for us. She wanted to surprise Mr. Han tonight," he replied quietly. "When did you come back?"

"Last night. How have you been? It's been so long."

"I'm good, I'm good. You?"

"I'm good."

"I've watched your concerts online. You're brilliant."

"And I've bought all your albums and watched your music videos. I'm still sorry I wasn't here for your debut concert."

"It's fine." Seojun seemed a bit tongue-tied. Here was his first love, high school crush, and he did not know what to say. "Those years away did you well. You look ... nice." Her face had lost its gauntness, hollow emptiness.

"Thanks. You too."

"Are you back for good?" He blurted out. Yeonwoo opened her mouth to answer but before she could, they were interrupted by the rest of their friends entering.

"Yeonwoo! You're actually here!" Jugyeong squealed, rushing forward to give her friend a huge hug. Suho followed behind her, just as quick to give his old friend a warm hug. 

"You two look great!" Yeonwoo exclaimed. "Suho, you're not as stiff!"

They all laughed as Suho blushed. Sua waddled forward. "Yeonwoo-ah!" She cried out, lip jutting out and eyes swelling with tears. "It's been too long!"

"You are literally glowing, Sua. You look amazing! Pregnancy suits you well." Yeonwoo admired her friend's glowing skin, flushed cheeks. "May I?"

"Go ahead!" Sua laughed as Yeonwoo touched her swollen stomach. Taehoon was one step behind his pregnant girlfriend, and he gave Yeonwoo a huge hug, accompanied by a cheeky, "You've gotten taller!"

Mr. Han quickly arrived, with his son Ikjun and wife Heekyung, who had surprised them at their home. Thus began the surprised exclamations and catching up of all their lives.

Once they were all settled down with food and drinks on the table, everyone began talking at once, asking Yeonwoo questions about New York, and exchanging their own news.

"Taehoon and I are getting married at the end of this month!" Sua gushed. "We've already started planning everything, so I want everyone to keep their schedules clear. You're all free to bring a date. You can bring your hot American boyfriend if you want, Yeonwoo!"

Yeonwoo choked on her drink, inciting an excited giggle from Ikjun, whom Heekyung tried to hush. "I have an American boyfriend?"

"Yeah! Sujin told me all about Alex."

"Sorry, it just slipped out!" Yeonwoo glared at the person in question, who offered her a weak smile. 

During the dinner, Yeonwoo had been trying to see if Seojun still had lingering feelings for Jugyeong. It was a difficult challenge—he laughed at her jokes, he chatted with her, but did he romantically love her?

Maybe those feelings are gone, she mused. Besides, Suho and Jugyeong had been going strong for the past three years. They had even recently moved in together! Seojun and Suho were now back to being firm friends, why would they want to ruin everything over a girl?

Seojun has too big of a heart to do that, she thought. He was the most unselfish person she knew.

After they finished eating, Heekyung and Mr. Han decided to go home early, claiming that Ikjun needed his sleep. But really, they were leaving early to let the kids start drinking.

"Now the party starts!" Chorong excitedly said, pouring out drinks for everyone. "Drink up, everybody!"

"I'm pregnant, no alcohol for me please," Sua said, albeit a little bit miserably.

As this was going on, Yeonwoo hissed to Sujin, "Are you out of your mind?! Alex is a girl."

"Why do you care?"

Yeonwoo made a noise of disbelief. "Are you kidding me? He's going to find out from my Instagram profile where I've posted about a hundred photos with her!"

Sujin's grin grew wider. "Because, look at that." She nodded in Seojun's direction. Yeonwoo turned to look.

Seojun was downing an entire bottle of soju while the rest cheered him on. Yeonwoo couldn't resist rolling her eyes. "And what makes you think he's drinking because of me?"

"You're so stupid. Of course he is!"

"Even if he was, he has no reason to feel that upset. He thinks I have a boyfriend, big deal! He made a move on Jugyeong while I was away, we should be even by now."

"You should talk to him."

"And say what? Hey, I noticed you were drinking more because of me. Mind telling me about it?"

"You're impossible."

"Yes, Yes I am." 

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