Chapter 2

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A sigh escaped the artist's 'lips', who looked at all the Judges around him tiredly. They were in one of their monthly meetings, in an AU created especially for those meetings, and just like every other time, it was pure chaos. Sanses screaming left and right, nobody listening to their allies. It always managed to give Ink a headache, and he knew that he wasn't the only one tired of this.

The subject of the meeting ?

Nightmare's gang and the Destroyer, as always.

As much as Ink hated them –as much as he could with his lack of SOUL and therefore real feelings–, it was annoying. Possibly more than them. He looked tiredly at his two closest allies; Dream and Blueberry. The blue skeleton seemed just as annoyed as him, while Dream was trying to calm everyone down. Without much success, sadly. A detail caught Ink's attention. "Blueberry?" He could have sworn his friend's hands suddenly clenched after hearing him. 'Meh, probably my imagination.'

"Yes Ink? Is There Something Wrong?" He asked, smiling at the Creator. Ink smiled too, glad that his friend didn't scream unlike the Judges around them, even if he barely heard him. "What happened to your bandana? You never take it off usually... I'm pretty sure you even sleep with it, haha!"

The blue clad skeleton gently touched the faint scar on his neck, sighing softly before smiling at Ink. "My Bandana Got Caught In An... Accident. I Actually Need To Find A New One." Ink hummed softly, offering a smile at Blue, before his attention went back to the Judges around. He sighed and got up, grabbing his weapon –a paintbrush he affectionately called Broomie– and violently slamming it on the table, a soft cracking sound, evidence of the violence of the action. The table was now slightly cracked. Blue couldn't help but imagine his friend's bones instead of the table and tensed for a few seconds, an horrified look on his face, that he quickly covered up with his usual cheery smile, which was slightly strained. "QUIET EVERYONE!!"

The result was immediate; all Judges stopped talking and started to fix Ink, surprised.

"Now that I finally have your attention, let's focus on a subject at a time. I propose to talk about the Destroyer, considering he's the most dangerous of them. Do you have any idea on how to stop him?" Noticing they were going to start talking all at the same time once again, he quickly added a rule. "One at the time and raise your hand before talking or we won't make any progress, understood?" He smiled after seeing them all nod. A scientific-looking Sans –named Sci– raised his hand before stating his idea.

"Couldn't you make an AU he wouldn't be able to get out of? Maybe with magic restraints, so we could interrogate him or make some tests on him to learn his motive...? I mean, he seems pretty hard to kill so locking him up would probably be the easiest, no...? And he can't possibly destroy just for fun, right?"

Ink sighed once again, rubbing tiredly his nasal bone. "It would be useless, he is a God, simple magic restraints or that type of AU would only slow him a bit before he manages to get out. As for his motives, he is a soulless destroyer; don't expect him to have a reason beside enjoying our suffering."

Nobody saw Blue roll his eyes nor heard him let out a small "Tsk" after Ink said that. It was actually a good plan on Error's side; he would not have been hurt and maybe they would have learn about the freaking Balance. But noooo, of course, it wasn't good enough for the stupid Creator! Blue sighed, doing his best to hide his annoyance with positivity so Dream doesn't notice that something was wrong... Even if Blue doubts that he would notice anyway, he is so blind...

A new person raised their hand, this time being a black clad skeleton, levitating slightly above his chair. "Yes Reaper?"

"We already established that my touch couldn't kill him so... Maybe we should just try to talk to him...? I mean, if he can survive my touch, that means he is probably immortal or very close to be so we can't get rid of him for good... Maybe trying to find a compromise, or make a truce would help...?"

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