Chapter 19

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Warning; Drako and Torment killing/torturing some people with bad description of the scene. Not sure if this really need a warning but just in case-


"Do you think that Cross and Reaper will also have dragon's abilities?" Drako shrugged, continuing to walk with his brother while occasionally looking at the scenery around them. For once that he could actually enjoy his surroundings without being attacked, he wouldn't waste this opportunity. "PrObABlY? ThEY aRe DrAGoNS NoW sO It WoULD BE LoGIcAL If ThEY Did HaVE SOmE." Torment hummed in response.

They soon arrived in front of the house and were surprised to not see their brothers –it still felt weird to consider Reaper as a brother, but he deserved to be accepted anyway– here. They brushed it off, thinking that the two dragons were probably already inside and opened the door. "We're back."

Gaster went toward them, leaving a drawing Papyrus and a sleeping Sans in the living room. He smiled at them. "Great, I started to think you all lost yourselves... Wait, where are Reaper and Cross?" The two Gods frowned. "ThEy AREn't InSIdE?" Gaster just shook his head. Torment glared at him. "This better not be a joke." Despite the unnerving glare, Gaster stayed put, shaking his head once again. "I swear, I didn't see them since you all went out!"

Drako and Torment both frowned even more before grabbing their necklaces. "Cross." Drako soon imitated Torment. "ReAPEr." They then stared at their respective necklaces with a scowl on their faces.

The crystals showed their two dragon friends locked up in a cage with other little dragons, in what seemed to be an old shed made of wood, that was in a pretty bad shape, seeming ready to collapse at any second. Shackles were around there paws. They guessed it was magic restraints; otherwise, the two would already have freed themselves. They growled at the sight of a bunch of Humans, who soon started to talk.

"We did a great job, I'm sure we'll be able to sell those pests for a lot." One said while kicking the cage with his foot, making some dragons whimper in fear. The other Humans cheered in happiness while most of the dragons let out small squeaks in fear, shivering slightly. They were all children, except Cross and Reaper, of course. The poor children were probably scared to death.

They listened as the Humans talked about how they were going to gain a lot with them, either by killing them for material or by selling them as pets. It disgusted both Drako and Torment, who looked at each other and nodded, catching the sight of a horrified Gaster, who was also looking at the necklaces.

"Let's show them why we were so feared back home, shall we?" A sadistic smile, rarely see on the Destroyer's face for he never wished to hurt anyone usually, appeared on Drako's face. The part dragon skeleton nodded, quitting the house with his brother. He could feel Psyche's anger toward the Humans; they also wanted them dead. Torment's tentacles were swaying rapidly behind him and were sharper than usual, proof that he was ready to kill someone. "YoU cAn FeEL tHe ChIlDrEn'S nEgAtIvITY?"

Torment nodded, a frown still on his face. "I can, but I don't know exactly where this is. I don't know this AU enough. I can't teleport like this, the trail is too weak." Drako growled slightly, unaware of his eyelights getting sharper, like a reptile, similar to how they looked like when he was in dragon form. "Do YoU ThINk ThAT YoU CoULD GuIdE Me WHiLE I FlY tO fInd ThEM?" Torment nodded. "No problem."

"ThEN GeT oN, We HaVE SoME FuCkERs To GeT RiD Of. DoN't TrY To CoME GaSTEr." That being said, Drako took back his dragon form, uncaring of anyone possibly seeing him change. He didn't care about that, his family was in danger, and he wouldn't let anyone that is his being hurt. No more. His family already suffered enough. "They will regret ever being born!" Drako could only agree with Psyche.

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