Chapter 33

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In the end, they gave Life the same excuse that they had prepared before going in Reapertale; they didn't know how they got here and if they needed to explain, it was maybe because of their resemblances with Nightmare and Error –well and Reaper too–, since apparently their SOULs had a similar feeling for the Goddess of Life. The Reapertale native Goat Monster seemed to accept this excuse quite easily –or at least she didn't question them, even if she found it suspicious– and soon invited them to take a snack, making Drako groan and glare at the crystal table that he was sitting in front of. Of course, his brothers were all teasing him because he couldn't bring himself to refuse Life's offer.

If the motherly goat was to learn that he didn't eat, he would be as good as dead, and he wouldn't have a job to do that would save him from the sweet but scary Goddess. If she learned about his unhealthy eating habits, he was certainly doomed. She wouldn't let him go until he was completely full and incapable of eating anything else... Well their Life was like this, but he didn't want to try his luck with this one. He already had a goopy octopus –and a father, too, even if Gaster was less hard to escape than Torment– who liked to force-feed him; he didn't need to also have the mother goat against him, thank you very much.

That's how he ended up with his brothers, eating pastries while talking about random things. It made all of them happy since it reminded them of the times they spent with their Life, who was almost a mother for everyone at this point. At some point, Demise flew away to look at the plants, happily touching some of them now that he could do so without killing them. He quickly went back toward Drako though. Not because he wasn't interested by the plant but because...

"Hey Tori, I see that you have guests?" Yeah, because of that. They all knew that it was only a matter of time before Reaper brought his nonexistent ass here. And sadly he didn't prove them wrong.

They turned their heads toward the newcomer, happily waving at him while Life was getting up from her seat. "Oh, Sans, it's nice to see you! Yes, I indeed have guests. Meet Drako, Torment, Demise and Blade." While presenting them, she gestured to the designed person, who nodded in response. "Those kids don't know how they got here, in our AU, but they are real sweethearts, I'm sure you will love them!"

The God of Death looked at them with a raised brow before a look of recognition flashed across his face and a smirk appeared on said face. "Oh, yeah, I heard about them." Demise snuggled closer to Drako's neck, repeating 'Oh my Toby Fox this is so awkward!' on loop, making the ex-Destroyer fight back a smirk as Psyche snickered in amusement. 'Serves you right for making fun of me with Error!'

The God of Death floated toward them but stayed at a secure distance from them, just in case. He wouldn't want to kill them after all. "I'm guessing that you're the God of Death that Miss Life was talking about... Mister Reaper, was it?" Said God of Death snorted at the name. "Oh please kid, no 'Mister' with me."

During this time, Demise was having an existential crisis. "Oh my coffee this is so weird!! I'm going to die!!" The three fought back a smile while Psyche didn't hold themselves back from laughing at Demise's suffering. "Hey, at least now you understand what the Originals felt with their countless copies!" Demise's head shot toward Blade and he stuck out his tongue at said dragon before answering. "I didn't want to understand them! My AU isn't even supposed to have copies since we're all Gods!"

This time, Torment and Drako couldn't hold themselves back from giggling, making Life and Reaper look at them curiously. "Is there something wrong, dears?" Drako shook his head, gently patting Demise's head. "No, NoT AT AlL. It'S JuST BlAdE AnD DeMiSE BeING FuNNY."

Reaper tilted his head curiously, an amused smile appearing on his face. "What do you mean by that?" Demise stared at Reaper, fighting the urge to invoke his scythe to get rid of the perfect copy of his old self. Now he respected Drako for staying calm and talking with Error for so long... "WeLl ThEY ArE SaYiNG FuNnY tHinGs... Oh, yEaH, YoU tWo CaN'T uNdErsTaND ThEM, riGHt?"

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