Chapter 26

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It took longer than expected for the Outertale brothers to explain everything, but after a few hours, they knew what they wanted to know. They were surprised to hear that most AUs were actually Neutral, welcoming both the Star Sanses and Nightmare's gang without any problem as long as they didn't cause too much trouble –surprisingly, 'troubles' often meant 'Ink' in this Multiverse–. Very few AUs were more on a side than the other, even if some were, which was a pleasant surprise.

Outertale was a good example, since it was a completely Neutral AU, who accepted both side, who could come stargaze at any moment if they wanted. Torment could feel Drako's jealousy at that discovery. He had to find a secret spot to stargaze in peace –which wasn't enough since Outer still called Ink on him quite often– while they could roam around freely? How unfair...

But it only meant that this Multiverse was better than their old one, which was that they were happy for. They stayed for a few more minutes, during which they got to know the Outertale brothers a bit more. After a while, Demise gently nudged Drako with his paw before silently nodding toward Outer, who seemed to be sending messages on his phone, occasionally looking at them while he was typing. Drako hummed and saw that Torment noticed too. 'Do you think they are calling someone?'

Psyche shrugged inside of his SOUL. "Probably. Or you're being paranoid. Wouldn't be the first time." The ex-Destroyer rolled his eyes at the second part of what Psyche said. Drako and Torment shared a look, both slightly frowning slightly, before they simultaneously got up. "Well, it was nice to meet you two, but we should go. We want to stargaze a bit before going back home, and we should do it quickly before risking to cause our father a SOUL attack by being too late."

Outer simply nodded, continuing to send whatever he was writing, which didn't ease the worry they felt in their SOULs. Comet nodded with a smile, going toward them to guide them toward the door. "ALRIGHT THEN FRIENDS, I HOPE THAT YOU COME BACK TO VISIT US SOON!"

Drako chuckled, rubbing Demise's head gently. "We uNDoUbTedLY wILl, CoMeT. ThANk YoU FoR TeLlINg Us ALl ThIS, It WaS ReALlY IntErEsTIng." Comet nodded, smiling happily while the four brother quitted his house. Once the door was closed, they immediately started to walk away.

"Outer was totally writing about us to someone. Demise and I watched him; he was looking at you two almost every two seconds, as if he was making sure that you didn't notice anything!" Torment hummed. "Yeah, we noticed that. But if this is a Neutral AU, who was he texting? Ink? Our counterparts? It could be anyone."

"WeLl I DoN'T caRe As LoNG As I dOn't SeE ThIS MuLTIvERSE's InK." He wasn't ready to see any version of Ink just yet, even if it wasn't the same person who hurt him. Too many bad memories. He wasn't ready to face him, and even after years he probably wouldn't be ready. Eons of torture couldn't be forgotten so easily. He already had a hard time staying with the Outertale brothers without panicking and pulling out his strings despite them never directly hurting him in their old Multiverse. Thankfully, his brothers were here to appease him, otherwise he would have ran away and possibly attacked them. Well no, he wouldn't have attacked. He was never the first to attack. But he would have used his strings or a Blaster to force them to back away from him.

"I suggest that we go see if Drako's stargazing spot exist in this AU and look at the stars before going back! I don't see why it wouldn't exist, but we don't know how different things can be..." Drako nodded at Blade's suggestion. "I'M fInE WiTH ThAT."

The two others also nodded in agreement and the little family soon went toward Drako's stargazing spot's location. They soon arrived and sat on the edge, their legs dangling above the abyss underneath them while they were looking at the stars. "You're not scared of falling into the Void?"

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