Chapter 30

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Once again, Dragontale's mail system proved itself to be extremely effective –more than in other AUs–, as the next day, they actually received the keys and their new official papers as the Royal Scientist's assistants. Honestly, they didn't even want of this position; they just wanted to have access to the lab, but this worked so they wouldn't complain. They put everything in their inventory as to not lose them, since it was quite important things and they didn't want to cause trouble for Gaster by losing the keys and letting someone with bad intentions inside of the lab. Their father could lose his job if this was to happen! And they didn't want that. He already welcomed them in his family; they couldn't be the reason for him to lose his position as the Royal Scientist!

Plus, he was actually a good scientist, as well as a good Monster, father and just overall a good Gaster, unlike many others. And just for that, they wanted to be good 'children' to him. Even if they still had a bit of trouble accepting that they were now children.

After dropping Papyrus and Sans to school for the morning, they accompanied Gaster to the lab, where Gaster announced that they were now his assistants before they had the time to do it themselves. They smiled 'innocently' at the scientists who chose to hide behind their desks at their sight. The poor SOULs seemed terrified because of their little 'game' –if it could be called as such– two day prior. But the Rat –who was still with his baby-sitter– was the most terrified by far. "Do not worry, they won't do the same as Monday... Or at least not often."

It... Didn't reassure the scientists. Gaster himself wasn't sure that they wouldn't do it again, so he couldn't promise it with exact certainty... And knowing the chaotic demons who he called his children, they would do it again or find something else to do... Which could possibly be even worse than the first time.

The scientists still decided to come out of their hiding spots to welcome the new addition to the laboratory, just to be polite –and hopefully be on their good side, unlike the Rat who was clearly targeted by their explosive mixes on Monday–. The two teens shook everyone's hand with the sweetest smile possible. Yes, even the Rat; his baby-sitter forced him to do it. Those smiles put them a little more at ease, even though they knew how devilish those two could be. Oh well, they were Gaster's assistants anyway, they should spend most of their time on Gaster's floor. Which meant that they were probably safe.

They then went to Gaster's lab and worked during all the morning. Gaster could see how helpful they were; his researches suddenly advanced way faster than before and their knowledge was clearly welcomed. The three dragons also considerably helped with their dragon abilities –Drako could change into a dragon because Gaster had a huge room especially made for his own transformations–, which was extremely helpful considering the fact that they had different elemental abilities than him.

Before they left though, Drako paused. "HeY DaD... Do YOu ThINk tHaT It WoULD Be PoSSIbLE To GiVe A PhYsIcAL FOrM To PsYcHE?" Torment smiled silently at the feeling of happiness Gaster was emitting at being called 'Dad'. Gaster hummed, thinking about it. "Possibly? I don't really know, but it might be possible? If you want, you can use my lab to test some of your possible ideas... As long as you don't make everything explode." Drako nodded with a smile, thanking his father. Perhaps he could use his access to the lab to do some researches and experiment to give Psyche a body...

"Aw thank you Glitchy!" He smiled at the joy that he felt coming from his Voice friend. He wasn't sure how to do it, nor even what to try, but he would find a way eventually; he wanted to be able to hug his guide and new sibling. Maybe slap them, too, because of their stupid comments. And he was sure that his brothers would be happy to officially meet Psyche.

After a few more minutes, during which they put everything away and cleaned up the mess that they had made with papers and pens, leaving a clean and organized lab –which made Gaster happy as he didn't want his working space to be messy–, they decided that it was time to go.

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