Chapter 22

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There was a pause on the other side of the phone. "What... What are you asking me now...?"

Ocean groaned before repeating his question for the third time in a row. "I asked you if Error and Nightmare had children!"

There was another pause. "... What are yo-" Ocean cut his interlocutor off. "I swear, if you ask me to repeat myself one more time, I'll make you eat your oversized paintbrush, Ink!"

A loud gasp echoed from the other side of the phone, making Ocean sigh. "How dare you threaten Broomie like this!" Ocean finally moved from his spot, realizing that it was useless to wait since those children most likely wouldn't come back. Or at least not on this particular island. "Just answer my damn question. Do they have children?"

"Why would I know?! And what spiked this question?!" Ocean sighed again, rubbing his forehead tiredly –he swore that he heard Blue answer with a 'Mweh?' at the mention of the word 'spiked'... Probably his imagination–. "You and Dream are the ones who know them the most. And I'm asking that because I just saw two teenagers looking strangely like Error and Nightmare with two fluffy animals. Couldn't really tell which type of animals, but whateva'."

"YOU DID?! WHY DIDN'T YOU CALL ME SOONER?!" Ocean frowned, pushing his phone away from his skull when the artist started to scream. "They weren't doing anything suspect... Besides being on a deserted island. And they clearly didn't trust me, if I did, they would have ran away." Even if in the end, they did go away, but he wasn't going to give an argument for Ink to berate him more.

Ink hummed, starting to pace around the living room under his best friends' gazes. "Alright then... At least they didn't do anything... Do you have any information? We can't have two Errors and two Nightmares on the run; one of each is already chaotic enough." His best friends automatically perked up at the mention of the two dark skeletons, looking now quite curious of Ink's discussion with Ocean.

"Well the Nightmare look-alike said that his name was Torment, the other being Drako. They said that they were from a new AU or somethin', but they went away after I offered them to come on the boat. Pretty sure that they didn't go directly to their AU, probably so I couldn't have information on it. Oh, they also said that they were brothers, which is why I thought about them being Nightmare and Error's kids." Ink hummed, continuing to walk back and forth in front of his friends, who started to get concerned by it.

"Alright... I'll warn the others AUs of those two and tell them to either call me directly or try to get information if they aren't threatening anyone..." Ink paused, thinking. "I'll try to search for this 'new AU' too, but if it really is one, there will be a barrier to stop Multiversal travelers until the AU is old enough..."

"'Bout that. Isn't it weird that two Sanses from a young AU can already go through AUs? Not to mention, most AUs only have one Sans... Not two." The artistic skeleton shrugged, even if Ocean couldn't see it, and stopped walking back and forth. "We already established that some AUs could have two Sanses; Dreamtale for example. But yes, it is indeed quite weird that they can already traverse the Multiverse if their AU is a new one... And I don't remember seeing an AU with teenager versions of Nightmare and Error..."

Ocean shrugged, watching his brother conduct their boat while occasionally turning toward the sea. "Welp, I told you all I knew so bye I guess?" Ink nodded. "Yeah, thank you Ocean, this was really important. Goodbye." And with that, he hang up, offering his allies the occasion that they were waiting for to ask their questions.

"What was that about? And what do you mean by 'teenager versions of Nightmare and Error'?!" Ink sighed and went to sit on the couch, near his friend. He placed his elbow on the armrest of the couch, placing his cheek against his closed fist and looked at the yellow clad skeleton who just asked these questions. "Exactly what I meant. Apparently, Ocean saw two teenagers looking strangely like Nightmare and Error in his AU. They said they came from a new AU, which is surprising but possible... I guess. He was asking me if Nightmare and Error had children."

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