Chapter 13

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For a while, there was only darkness and coldness. Nothing else. Pure darkness accompanied by a freezing cold, making them shiver slightly while they fell into the Void. They couldn't move, couldn't talk and couldn't see, which was annoying, but at the same time strangely relaxing. Suddenly, they felt their codes being taken apart and put back together again and again. They screamed, wanting to beg for it to stop, even though they weren't making any sound. Was that what Error felt when he fell?

They could only imagine how much the poor Destroyer suffered, considering that he just got out of an ambush before going through this. His injures weren't healed, making them guess how much they must have hurt him during this fall, while his codes were being tortured. That was one more reason to hug their friend to death –Reaper couldn't help but laugh internally through the pain at this thought– when they'll saw him.

Soon, the pain stopped. The darkness evaporated and a comforting warmth replaced the coldness. They landed in what seemed to be giant hands, which cradled them gently. They could now see, but still couldn't move. A voice, coming from a light blue and white silhouette, started talking.

"It seems our Chosen Child's friends arrived early. Sadly, some are missing..."

Another voice, this time coming from a golden and red silhouette, answered, seeming to look at them attentively.

"It seems so. Do you think they'll need some modifications?"

The first voice stayed silent, as if thinking, while the both of them started to heal the wounds they gained from the fight earlier. They felt the healing magic envelop their body, offering a feeling of peace and protection making them sigh in contentment.

"Perhaps, not the same as Drako, but some might be needed."

The second silhouette moved, as if nodding. They quickly finished healing them, and the three swore they heard the red being mumbled something about how they were easier to heal than Drako. It confused Reaper greatly. Who was Drako? Perhaps someone who fell before them? But the God of Death had no memory of someone named like this. The second being gently grabbed Nightmare, making the King of Negativity tense up.

"I'll take care of this little one while you deal with the two others, alright Destiny?"

The second being paused before answering.

"Alright Karma, but you might want to let me take Fate's strings off Nightmare's SOUL. He and Reaper are also bound to a Balance after all."

Once again, the being in red nodded before gently taking Nightmare's SOUL out of his chest. The SOUL, in the form of a black apple with some specks of teal blue and purple, barely visible. The SOUL was effectively tied lightly in red strings. They weren't digging in the SOUL like Error's, but they were still there, meaning they had a fate forced on them in their Multiverse. The second being then pulled out Reaper's SOUL, showing a white upside-down heart fading to a light blue. Some speck of black, symbol of his death magic, were also present on it. Once again, some red strings were placed around the heart.

Destiny warned them of the possibility of it hurting a little, before gently grabbing the strings on Nightmare's SOUL, letting their magic destroy them before doing the same for the Reaper. Both of them suddenly felt as if they had been lifted from a weight they were used to drag behind them.

Once that was done, Karma went to work on Nightmare, changing his codes slightly with a hum. The negative skeleton swore he heard them say something about not being able to make them like Drako since he couldn't have tentacles and wings. Something about dragon octopuses. He wasn't sure of how to feel about it. He could feel Destiny's amusement after hearing this.

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