Chapter 27

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Once the teenagers and their dragons were gone, Error went back to the skeletons' house. He barely had the time to fully open the door that Outer was hiding behind him while Comet was looking at him with a smile that made Error wince in sympathy. Outer clearly got scolded, and he was very happy not to be in his place.

Unknown to him, the teenagers that he was interrogating were facing the same fate with their father while trying to explain why they were away for so long and apologizing for not warning their father beforehand. Of course, they weren't that scared of him; they were Gods after all –or at least, three of them were–! But damn it, he was taking his father's role seriously. Which was nice, don't make them say what they didn't say, but he was almost scary. Of course, they ended up being grounded for a month. Oh well. They had experienced worse, so this wasn't too bad.

The Outertale brothers updated him quickly on what they learned about Torment and Drako –which honestly wasn't much, but it was still better than nothing–. Once that was done, he left the brothers to go tell everything to Nightmare and he swore that he saw Comet smile 'innocently' while looking at his brother, who was trembling in fear. He didn't want to know how long Comet was planning on scolding his brother and ran away before Outer could try to put some of the blame on him, since he himself did ask some questions that Comet would consider as insensitive.

When he arrived in Nightmare's mansion, he wasn't surprised by the chaos that he walked in. Dust, Killer and Horror decided that it was a good idea to have a weapon-throwing contest in the living room. What was the use of the training room, after all? Nightmare was nowhere to be found –probably in his office or the library, knowing this octopus– and Cross was sulking in a corner. Error tilted his head to the side and went toward Cross.

"What is wrOng Cross?" Cross looked up toward him, clearly pouting. "The mysterious chocolate stealer struck again..." Error frowned. "How many bArs are missing?"

Cross looked at him with clear confusion. "Five, why?" Realization flashed across Error's face, who suddenly burst into laughter, effectively gaining everyone's attention –even Nightmare, who came down to tell the three who were throwing weapons around to stop screaming. And preferably stop throwing their weapons, too, but the goopy skeleton had little hopes for this part–. "Why are you laughing...?"

"I think that I knOw who your chocolate stealer is... PfFt-" Cross now looked really interested and got up from his position on the floor. "Who?"

"Drako, the othEr me. I met him anD Torment and he Opened a portal at soMe point, from whIch he grabbeD five cHocolate Bars from your favorite brAnd. I wasn't surE if it was just a cOincidence or not, but appArently it wasn't oNe." Now, everyone was either interested, curious, or laughing their nonexistent asses off. Cross looked at Error with a deadpan expression. "Of course, it had to be an Error, why am I even surprise?"

"Does that mean that he knows where our hideout is?" Everyone froze in realization, eyes wide and mouths agape. How could he know?! "I... I guEss, yes..."

Dust frowned. "This is bad, if the Stars Sanses learns that he knows, they will harass them until they give them our location. And we won't be in peace no more..." Horror groaned slightly and rolled his eye at the thought of all the pranks that Ink would undoubtedly play on them if he was to find their base. "Great. Just great. Now we gotta find those kiddos before the Stars."

"I'm guessing you talked to them for a while if Drako decided to steal chocolate?" Error shrugged. "Yeah, almoSt an hoUr."

Now, that gained Killer's attention, who ran at Error, looking like an excited puppy. "So?! How are they?!" He was probably one of the most curious of the gang about the two new additions in their Multiverse. "They sEemed calm. A bit distrusTful, but calm either wAy. They weren't scAred of me, even though Outer and Comet had told them about NightMare and I. I'm not sure if thIs is a good thing, since that mEans they don't feel threaTened by us, either because thEy are strong enouGh to actually put up a fight, or becauSe they think we won't attacK them. I'm not sure which oNe is best. And no Dust, you wOn't try to fight them."

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