Chapter 43

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Well... This was awkward. When Torment said that they 'had to go', he probably meant that they 'had to go in order to be ten minutes in advance', as it was actually the case; they were ten minutes in advance and waiting for Nightmare's gang to show up. It wasn't really a surprise; Torment liked to be in time to whatever meeting he held. Which meant being present way too early most of the time. They still remembered this time when they had to wait two hours for a meeting that only lasted twenty minutes.

That, and Torment decided that he absolutely needed to prove how much he was better than Nightmare. Arriving first was the first thing he wanted to do to show how much greater of an octopus he was. It... Was going to be a long discussion, if Nightmare noticed what Torment was doing and chose that he wanted to prove himself better than the teenager. They sincerely hoped he wouldn't notice. Or if he did that he would be more 'mature' and not join Torment's self-imposed challenge... Oh, who were they kidding; if he understood what Torment was doing, they were all screwed. There would be no stopping the octopus duo.

Plus, now that they thought about it, there was no guarantee that Nightmare didn't also have for objective to show that he was the best octopus in this Multiverse. They could feel the chaos already, and for once, it wasn't a good thing.

Drako sighed and looked at his phone, earning a curious look from Blade. "ThReE MiNUtES lEft." They were counting on this Nightmare's punctuality. If he was the slightest bit like Torment, then he wouldn't accept to be even a second late... And if the gang was like theirs was, they were probably all running around to avoid Nightmare and make him late. Blade perked up at this thought, a grin appearing on the dragon's face. "Hey Drako, open a portal toward the mansion, I want to see if they are hiding or running away from Nightmare to make him late!"

Drako snickered, remembering how much fun the gang had doing this. He didn't participate in the fun often since he himself didn't have much time to waste with his job –and Ink thinking that it was a good idea to create the most random of AUs and copies because he was bored. He still remembered this universe where everything was the same as in Undertale, but the only difference was that Flowey was a carnivorous plant. That's it, nothing else– and just wanted to get done with it. It didn't mean that he helped Torment catch them, of course. Just that his chances of accompanying them were reducing the longer he took to grab everyone.

Thus, Drako opened a portal and chuckled at the sight of his counterpart hanging from the chandelier thanks to his strings, watching the others run around while munching on chocolate. Nightmare was absolutely done with them, almost seeming as tired as a Demise who didn't drink his coffee. Almost. A coffee-deprived Demise was hard to beat on this level, honestly.

Cross was running around, occasionally jumping or rolling to dodge Nightmare's tentacles while protecting himself with a... Was that a rubber chicken? Yes, yes it was. Blade raised a brow at that. "I don't recall ever fighting with a rubber chicken...?" He felt his Chara shake his head inside of their shared SOUL. "Because you never did. I would remember something so stupid and at the same time hilarious. But it's the type of things you could do." Blade rolled his eyes at the comment, knowing that it was XChara's way of saying that he was stupid in a friendly manner. Brotherly teasing, in sum.

Killer and Dust were play-fighting for the same hiding spot –which was above the fridge, where anyone could see them, for some reason– and they could easily guess that someone was in the fridge itself, as it was slightly open. No doubt, it was Horror. Even if they didn't know where everyone else was, they knew that the hole-headed skeleton would be the one to choose this hiding spot. Not to hide, of course, but to raid the fridge. Priorities.

Nightmare finally caught Cross after he tripped on one of the King of Negativity's tentacles. He held his rubber toy toward Nightmare and screamed something along the lines of 'THE POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY CHICKEN COMPELS YOU, EVIL OCTOPUS!'. Nightmare stared at him with a deadpan expression, seeming oddly used to this type of behavior coming from the walking Oreo and slapped the back of his skull, making Cross whine dramatically and rub his skull.

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