Chapter 41

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They spent the rest of the morning getting to know Vibrant better. Or well Gaster, Sans and Papyrus did, as the others knew the 90's parasite fairly well. Honestly, Vibrant didn't have that tragic backstory the others had, as outcasts of the Multiverse. Being Neutral protected him from most of the hate. Granted, he was still hated a lot as he was a parasite, but most either pretended not to care about him, or just plainly left the room when he arrived.

And even if Ink hated –as much as he could, given the fact he didn't possess real emotions– the fact that he also destroyed AUs by corrupting their codes to the point of destruction, he couldn't do anything. Vibrant, or Fresh back then, knew everything. One word from him and everyone would learn that their beloved Creator was just as soulless as the disgusting parasite so many were afraid of. Pretty ironic, right? How they trusted someone who couldn't even care for them, despite how much he might have wanted to. Not like he actually wanted to care anyways. It wouldn't have been great for Ink's reputation, and the Creator knew that Vibrant wouldn't have cared if everyone knew the truth. He wouldn't be the one to suffer the consequences after all.

So, in the end, Ink was impuissant against him. Because Drako and the gang could have said that Ink was soulless, but who would have believed the 'Bad Guys' of the Multiverse? Yeah, nobody. Plus, everyone thought that Drako was the soulless one, ironically. But all of them would have believed Vibrant. Not because they liked him, far from that, but he was known across the entire Multiverse for knowing everything about everyone, somehow. No secret was safe from the 90's parasite. And him revealing people's darkest secrets just to be a little shit or because they annoyed him wasn't that unusual, sadly enough –for them, as it was hilarious for Vibrant and the gang, who were somehow always safe from Vibrant's secrets revealing spree–.

So, yeah, Ink was totally powerless against him and generally didn't even try to fight him, which confused the Judges greatly, but they never got any answer when they asked. Some even started theorizing that the two were either lovers or related –somehow, their mutual love for colorful things nourished this weird theory–. Ew, no, never. Not even in a nightmare. Not in eons. Nope. Vibrant had higher standards than that stupid Squid, thank you very much. Plus, with all this 'being emotionless' thing, they couldn't be in a relationship even if they wanted to –which they didn't, once again–. Yeah, Vibrant did got quite annoyed by this theory, that everyone tried to prove... Everyone except Dream, who tried to prove the opposite, for some reason. Vibrant wasn't sure if the Positive Guardian had a crush on Ink or just didn't want his best friend with a parasite, and never cared enough to try to find the correct option out of the two. Feelings were never his thing until now, anyway. He couldn't understand them fully, nor experience them and couldn't even try to care about them.

His infinite –and sometimes frankly scary– knowledge therefore gave him immunity against most of the hate of their old Multiverse. Plus, people didn't constantly beat him up –and if they did try, who cared? His injuries would disappear when he would grab a new host anyway, which made him pretty much immortal. Of course, the pain was still there, but it could have been worse for him– for his job as he didn't even have one, besides being this 'funky cool pal', as he put it. So, yeah, his life was nice, unlike the gang's, so no tragic backstory. Just a lot of pranks. He was a troublemaker, after all. Explosions, paint, glitters, vinegar, you name it, he did everything. The gang even called him –more than once– to play pranks on Nightmare –being the closest thing of a father/older brother figure along with Drako, he was the one who suffered the most with those pranks– or Ink. Of course, the pranks played on Nightmare were always nicer than the ones played on Ink, but it was a given, as the whole gang hated the Creator with a burning passion.

It attained the point where every time something bad or looking the slightest bit like a prank happened, Vibrant was directly blamed... And most of the time, he indeed was the culprit. He wouldn't even try to deny it, as it was just too funny to see their reactions, and it worked as a little payback for hurting his glitchy friend.

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